Parent Payment

Under the Department of Eduation and Training's Parent Payments Policy, Victorian Government schools are required to provide transparent information to their school community on voluntary parent / carer contributions.


All parent payments and contributions can be made by QKR, Bpay, cash or cheque or debit/credit card.

The school appreciates that families may sometimes experience financial difficulty in meeting payment requests. A number of support options are available to parents including the school's second-hand uniform shop, State Schools Relief or the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund.

If you will experience difficulty in making the requested payments, please contact the Principal, Taylor Irish by phone 9773 2055 or email, to confidentially discuss alternative arrangements.

DET Parent payment policy

If payments are requested, the following documents outline the voluntary parent / carer contributions at our school:


2024 Foundaiton

2024 Year 1 to 6