Students in Years 1 to 6 participate in daily Spelling Mastery lessons.
Spelling Mastery builds dependable spelling skills for students in grades 1-6 through a highly structured direct instruction method that blends the following approaches:
Spelling Mastery interweaves these three approaches according to students' skill development and provides straightforward lessons to help efficiently and effectively teach the spelling skills students need to become proficient readers and writers.
Explicit instruction, careful selection of spelling words, and repeated and cumulative practice help students master each concept and reinforce and retain key information.
Students are regularly assessed on the spelling rules and words taught in class. Students can study their words at home using the lists below.
Please click on your level to access Study and Word Lists
Year 1 - Level A
Year 2 - Level B
Year 3 - Level C
Year 4 - Level D
Year 5 - Level E
Year 6 - Level F