Wellbeing Focus

Effectively mobilise available resources to support students' wellbeing and mental health, especially the most vulnerable. 



• Establish a whole school approach to physical/social/ emotional/cultural wellbeing
• Plan how whole school professional learning on chosen areas will be implemented and revisited throughout the year
• Embed a tiered social regulation / engagement model -Schoolwide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) framework
• Establish student focus groups to promote student voice and seek feedback on the promotion of wellbeing and positive mental health
• Support students to re-engage through the arts, including music, dance, drama and visual arts
• Embed bullying prevention-Bullying No Way and e-Smart cyber safety programs
• Develop consistent format and structure for implementing and monitoring Individual Education Plans (IEP)

• Implement a wellbeing program across all classrooms
• Implement classroom interventions in mentoring, cognitive skills, behavioural skills or exercise and relaxation
• Build staff capacity to notice and respond to signs of student distress and emerging mental illness through professional development
• Build staff capacity to collect, analyse and respond to student wellbeing data
• Strengthen in-class relationships through peer and group learning activities
• Conduct regular check-ins/conferencing with students in homegroup pastoral care programs
• Continue to embed student Peer Mediation and Student Leadership training
• Continue to embed the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships curriculum


• Students with emerging or acute wellbeing needs identified and referred appropriately
• Target counselling for individual students with acute mental health needs
• Students with emerging or acute wellbeing needs are supported via a range supports and adjustments that they participate in developing (via a Student Support Group)
• Organise opportunities for at-risk students to participate in a range of Tier 2 interventions and programs as appropriate
• Build relationships and engage with families of at-risk students
• Develop a plan for increasing the engagement of any parents/carers or community groups