Thank you so much to our parents for all that you are doing at home to support learning from home program with your children.
It has been great to see everyone’s’ faces on online meets. ‘Special Wednesday’ has been an absolute hit as students pursue their creative talents with our specialist teachers.
We understand the demands on family life and we are always available to support you. We know families differ and we encourage our families to find the best fit for their circumstances. Stay involved, stay positive!
We are very grateful for all that you do.
Congratulations to our Prep students for achieving 100 days at school. Some fabulous activities were enjoyed including-photo opportunities, 100 day crowns, 100 activities in maths, dance offs and a big ‘party meet’.
Thank you to our Prep students, parents and teachers for all they do to continue to stay connected, have fun and learn under very unusual circumstances.
We are very proud of the amazing progress our ‘preppies’ have made.
This week our toilet revamp began. Builders, electricians and plumbers have hit the ground running to ‘beautify’ our student toilets. We predict they will be ready when students return. Yay!
This week is National Science Week. Many classes have been involved in home learning Science activities….here are a few links that you may like to try at home!
BACKYARD BIO-BLITZ-some great backyard activities
CODING ROCKET-SWIFT PLAYGROUND https://www.secretlab.com.au/scienceweek/swiftrockets
Parents of Year 6 students, who have applied for a Government School place should receive their confirmation letters this week. Secondary schools will be sending out further information shortly. If your circumstances have changed and you no longer need or want to change the Government secondary school place, please notify Jan Smith and also inform the secondary school.
We will continue to support our Year 6 students and their families throughout term 4 in their transition to Secondary School.
On Tuesday 25 August, the Department of Education and Training is presenting a free webinar for parents and carers by renowned child psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, on building family resilience during coronavirus (COVID-19). Parents and carers play a vital role in helping children feel safe through uncertain times. Dr Carr-Gregg’s webinar is aptly named Managing the Corona coaster – Tips for building resilient families in the coronavirus era.
In this webinar, Dr Carr-Gregg provides tools and strategies for parents and carers to help manage the lockdown and remote learning. Topics include
:* your supportive role
* setting the emotional tone
* focusing on what you can control
* how to deal with disappointment
* further resources and where to get help. Dr Carr-Gregg’s presentation will run for 45 minutes. This will be followed by a 15-minute question-and-answer session in which parents and carers can ask Dr Carr-Gregg questions.
Webinar details-
When: Tuesday 25 August - Time: 7:30pm
Duration: 45-minute presentation followed by 15-minute questions and answers session
Format: online via WebEx
Cost: free - How to register To register and for more information visit the Managing the Corona coaster – Tips for building resilient families in the coronavirus era Eventbrite page.
A huge congratulations to our PREPS who have celebrated 100 days of learning on Tuesday! It has been a busy week of activities all themed around the number 100. Our preps made crowns and glasses to wear at their Google Meet celebration party. They learnt how to make fairy bread with hundreds and thousands, counted by 10s to 100 and made 100 monster pictures. To end the week we wrote about what we will be like when we’re 100! Some preps even dressed up like their 100 year old self.
Other highlights included learning about open and closed syllables and making little booklets. We’ve also learnt the CK sound and gone on a hunt to find things that end in CK. In maths the preps have dazzled the teachers will their ability to make and count ‘groups’ of objects. Check out the awesome highlights and celebrations below!
The Prep Team - Mrs B, Mrs Cole and Miss Gallo
Thank you to all the Mums, Dads Grandparents and Carers for getting your children online for their sessions with the teacher. We still have some that go missing and aren’t sure of where the camera is.
On this day we had a focus on Maths. As a year level we have been looking at different strategies to add and subtract. Starting with friends of ten and using place value.
Discussing friends of ten for addition and subtraction.
Showing our work a maths class. Working on place value knowledge to aid subtraction and addition
When one goes missing. Having great conversations in a Maths class about strategies to use when sharing or dividing.
Great discussion on strategies to subtract and add by partitioning the second number into tens and ones.
"Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.” Steve Maraboli,
Look after yourselves and your family !!
Trudi Braysmith, Matthew Pepi and Wendy Stansfield
I am very pleased to be back online with M2 and wish to thank Miss McDonald for holding the fort while I was on 2 weeks leave.
Over the last couple of weeks the 3/4 students have been working hard on their Australia PowerPoints as a part of our Geography unit and have done an amazing job as you can see from the examples here! Next week we are starting to explore the wider world through research and the presentation of a whole world PowerPoint.
Our writing focus has been on researching and writing information reports on a topic of our choice. Over the next week or so Mr Hewet is teaching us how to create our own websites using the information we have sourced to write our reports.
Thanks to Ms Hands for organising our NGV Art incursion and we are looking forward to the zoo incursion Mrs Middleton has organised for next Tuesday afternoon.
(Mrs) Christine Hulse
It has been an exciting jam packed two weeks for the seniors as we cross the middle of term 3.
In the last two weeks students have been focusing on developing their information reporting and letter writing skills. Students delivered their information reports about their chosen animals in many diverse and creative modes. We saw the classic poster presentation, well thought out slide shows, TV presentations and even a rap video. We were also able to create and articulate ourselves in letter writing, a valuable skill to have.
In math have been taking on a challenging mathematical concept of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractioned numbers. They have learnt how to use the correct operations for different types of fraction problems, taking on that challenge with a wonderful positive attitude. We have looked at 3D shapes and their ability to create some wonderful shapes from plane paper has been a fun highlight for math.
In inquiry we have been looking at climate and weather, focusing on how the two are different and why they are different. Students have shown a real interest in becoming little weathermen and weatherwoman as they recorded their own ‘on field’ data and turned this into a viewable chart indicating the patterns of Melbourne’s weather.
It has been a fun filled two weeks with lots of teaching and learning highlights that is making online learning exciting for the Chelsea Primary seniors.
Weather chart – Grace E
3D shapes – Maisy B