ENews 9th October 2020

Issue 2020-21

News from the Principal and Assistant Principal

We are all so excited to have everyone back at school next week. It has been a long wait, but the next 10 weeks are sure to be all about re-establishing connections to friends, teachers and learning.

School starts for everyone on Monday 12th October at 9 am. Our lining up bell will ring at 8.50 and students will then move inside with teachers to start the day at promptly at 9am.

School dismissal for all students is 3.30pm from year level specified gates.

To support health guidelines we would appreciate students entering the following gates.

Prep-Argyle Avenue

Year 1/2 –Fowler Street-Liddle Library gate

Year 3/4 and bikes-Fowler street bike shed gate

Year 5/6-Glenola road gate.

Families with more than 1 child can enter the most convenient gate.

Bike riders to enter at Bike Shed gate.

Parking is available on the Fowler street oval.

As our students return, we will be focused on three core priorities for Term 4:

  1. Health and Well-being

Our highest priority will be the health and well-being of every child in our school. We will be provide support to our most vulnerable students and families. We will be active in providing multiple opportunities for our students to re-connect with their teachers, friends and peers; work collaboratively with others; apply their voice and agency in every learning context. 

  1. Learning

We know that many of our children have thrived in the flexibility of remote learning, others have maintained their learning progress, and some have been challenged, despite their best efforts and those of their families and teachers. Our priority will be to support all who require support to 'catch up' and to continue to progress all students to extend on their learning.

  1. Transitions

We will make every effort to ensure successful transitions for children moving from kindergarten into Foundation in 2021, and to support our wonderful Year 6s moving into Year 7. Our Step up Days in November and December will provide opportunities for students to transition to their 2021 classes,

Our goal is to help every child at Chelsea Primary School prepare for 2021 with a sense of purpose, optimism and excitement.



Our students will not be able to use the drink taps for health reasons. All students will be able to fill their drink bottle during the day using the sinks in classrooms.                                   



Just a reminder, that it’s hat time again. As outlined in our Sun Smart policy, students are now expected to wear their hats during play and lunch time and outdoor sporting activities. Students not wearing hats will be asked to play under the gazebo or shaded junior playground.

We appreciate all our families supporting our Sun Smart protocols at Chelsea Primary.




As parents, teachers and students, building resilience is quite often one of the most difficult of our values to work through. The last six months have certainly highlighted the need to support everyone’s resilience.

Here is a great article from well-known psychologist Andrew Fuller. Andrew’s books and articles are always entertaining, honest and logical. This one is about resilience and families.


10 Hints for Creating Resilient Families.

Resilience is the happy knack of being able to bungy jump through life. When the inevitable pitfalls and setbacks of life occur, it is as if you have an elasticised rope around your middle that helps you to bounce back from hard times’.

 For the entire article please visit -



KISS AND GO                                                                 

Our Kiss and Go Zone in Fowler Street will be in place again from next Monday. Please see attached maps for alternative parking options around the school perimeter.


Parents and carers are invited to attend the 2020 Parents Victoria Online Conference.

The theme of the forum is a Brave New World: Changes, challenges and opportunities for families and schools. This year’s conference program includes presentations from expert speakers and groups on mental health support for students and parents, connecting school communities and engaging families.


Deputy Premier and Minister for Education James Merlino will open the conference and answer questions submitted by schools and families. To submit a question email office@parentsvictoria.asn.au by Sunday 11th October.

Details on the conference and how to register are provided below.

Date: Monday 19th October 2020

Time: 10am to 1.15pm

Cost: The conference is free but registration is essential.

Registration: The conference will take place on Zoom. Participants will be emailed a Zoom link on 18 October.

For more information visit the Parents Victoria website.

Planning for the 2021 school year has begun as we organise curriculum directions, staffing, specialists and support programs.

To plan effectively, it is important that we know the number of students who will be attending next year.  Please inform Mr. Irish as soon as possible if you know your child will not be attending our school in 2021 and /or, you have a child you are yet to enroll into Prep for next year.

Calendar of Events


All students return to face to face learning at school


Grand Final Public Holiday




Melbourne Cup Public Holiday


Curriculum Day – no students at school

Virtual School Tour via our school website

Foundation News

Welcome back to Term 4! This week the Preps will be focusing on our thoughts and feelings about returning to school and things we can do to make ourselves feel better. We will discuss new routines like being sun smart – wearing a hat, playing in the shade when it’s really hot, drinking lots of water and remembering to wear sunscreen. The Preps will also continue to focus on washing their hands and sneezing into their arm. Next week, we will be easing the students back to school, focusing on the social and emotional wellbeing of our preppies.


The Preps would like to officially provide a warm welcome our new students, Heath and Mila to Chelsea Primary! These students have already made lovely connections with our Chelsea kids!  


Thank you!


The Prep Team

Miss Gallo, Mrs Cole and Mrs B

Junior School News

Bouncing off the back-end of School Holidays, the junior team is thrilled to have our students’ in their natural learning habitats again next week! Currently, our students’ are carrying and have expressed a mixture of feelings; ranging from nervousness, excitement and trepidation. Our team is placing social and emotional wellbeing at the forefront of the agenda. Our priority, is to re-establish the positive working environment and to achieve this, we will need positive mindsets. To move forward, we need to work together. We will be warmly welcoming you at a safe 2020 distance on Monday morning.  

“This world, it is a tempest sometimes. But remember, the sun always rises again.”
― Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings  

Middle School News

Hello all and welcome back to Term 4.  Everyone at school is very excited about our return to onsite learning next week and we cannot wait to see the students in the flesh.  

This week we continued with our usual remote learning schedules and although our participation numbers are still strong, you can sense that everybody has had just about enough and the foot is definitely coming off the pedal.  

There is a lot of work that students have done ‘remotely’ that we are looking forward to seeing next week.  We have Tessellation, Symmetry and Perspective art installations that we did for Maths and would dearly love to display this work.  So please do not forget to bring them to school next week.

There has also been some terrific work done for our Integrated Studies with two PowerPoint Presentations done; Australia and The World.  We will have students presenting their work over the next couple of weeks.

So rest up on the weekend and we will see you all back at school next Monday. 

Senior School News

It almost sounds too good to be true but, here we are: The last day of Remote Learning!

This year, our students have scaled Everest-like mountains and learnt skills they will use for life. Like the rest of the world, they have had their stumbles and wobbles but in these moment they have learnt to change their thinking and step outside their comfort zone.

Now, the line is drawn and we are excited to put our energy into Term 4.

So far, this term has offered a nice chance to check back in with each other and celebrate our successes, as well as Mr Pipella’s 30th Birthday!!

Students have started to explore the beauty of Poetry in English and are right in the thick of Financial Maths and Chance in Numeracy.  

In Term 4, we will continue to support the wellbeing of our students by resetting classroom agreements, creating constructive routines and upholding rituals that make the senior years so special. Bring on Monday! We cannot wait!

Senior School 100 Word Writing Challenge

In the final week of Term 3 our 100 Word Writing Prompt was to use this text in our writing pieces:


…gradually, things started to move…


Well done to everyone who entered as there were some amazing entries this time. Congratulations to these winners:



Finally we were allowed out again, so like everybody else, we went for a drive, which was a huge mistake. We turned down our street, and all I could see was cars, and it was also too late to turn back because there was already cars stacked up behind us, cars, cars and more cars. We could just go home, but then someone would still have to drive, this was a nightmare! Dad and Declan were well gone, but I had decided to stay with mum, another mistake. Gradually, very gradually we started to move. And that’s how it took us 4 hours to drive around our circuit.

Maisy – S1



I climbed up the stairs and strapped myself in. Gradually, things started to move, first with a low groan and then a high pitch screech. All of a sudden SWOOSH, I was off with a blast! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! As the red button blinked, an automated voice said "Prepare for take-off! Prepare for take-off!" I looked out of the window, it was a beautiful sight. I spotted a bright star ten times brighter than the sun, a colourful nebula almost as colourful as the rainbow. After ten glorious minutes, I was returning to earth. "Prepare for landing" repeated the same automated voice. I stepped out of the roller coaster. "Well, that was a fun ride” I said to myself.

Prabhath – S2



I was still stuck in David Bowie’s silver Lamborghini, when ‘BANG’ penny-David’s assistant, hit the bonnet of the car with a baseball bat! Gradually, things started to move to the front of the car, I tried to unbuckle my seatbelt but it was stuck! Suddenly, the bag of space rocks I collected from Pluto fell and hit the windscreen “David! I’m falling!” I yelled, as the car screeched forward, through the roof. David and penny just stood there like deer in headlights, “MOVE, BEFORE IT CRUSHES YOU!” I Yelled, they moved. ‘CRASH’ “Well, at least you still have the rocks?” Penny asked me....

Asha – S3

Art News

This week in Art the Foundation and Junior students looked at World Space Week and designed their own space poster. The students used a variety of geometric shapes to design their poster and the results were outstanding!  


In the Middle and Senior school, we looked at photography and the students went on a scavenger hunt to find different elements and principles of art and capture them with their cameras. The students did an amazing job with this activity and we have some very talented photographers at Chelsea Primary school! 


I’m really looking forward to having all of the Chelsea students back in my art room next week! 



Waiting patiently,  

Miss Hands 

Entertainment Book fundraiser - Mother's day

20% of every Entertainment Membership sold goes to our fundraiser.

Order your Memberships online via www.entbook.com.au/1821w69 and download the Entertainment App today.

How does Entertainment Memberships work?
Memberships give you thousands of 2-for-1 and up to 50% off offers that are instantly available and valid year round and gladly accepted from many of the most popular dining, attractions, activities, travel, car hire, shopping, accommodation in Melbourne Area.
There are three kinds of Entertainment Memberships that you can buy: Single City, Multi City (for the whole of Australia, New Zealand and Bali), or a 2-year Multi City Membership.

How can I buy an Entertainment Membership?
Entertainment Memberships are sold as a fundraiser through our school. Please visit www.entbook.com.au/1821w69 and nominate our school when placing your order. Download the Entertainment App today.

How do I activate my Entertainment Membership?
To begin using your Membership, please visit the Activation Page and enter the Activation Code. You can find the activation code in the confirmation email sent to your inbox.

How do I buy an Extra Entertainment Membership for family and friends?
After you buy a Membership, you will receive an Activation Code via email to forward to your family and friends. When they set up their account for the first time they can choose the city that is best for them.

How can I let my friends know about getting their own Entertainment Membership?
Within the Entertainment App there is a share function built in that allows you to share the information about where you purchased your Membership with your friends. Look for the ‘Help your friends get an Entertainment Membership under the ‘User’ icon.

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