Foundation News
In Reading the preps have been learning how to share their opinion, their thoughts and feelings, about a story. They have also been learning how to blend words together, such as those with end blends lt, lk and lp. The preps have been working on writing recounts including adjectives, and learning how to write about their own interests. Students have been carefully practising their letter formation in handwriting books. In Maths we have been exploring Chance and Probability, and identifying events that will, will not, and might happen. The preps have revised sequencing the days of the week, and working with numbers to 30 using tens frames. A Wellbeing focus for circle time was Kindness, and what we can all do to be kind. A highlight has been our first 'Step Up' day where students have had an opportunity to visit their grade level for next year, and participate in a fun activity.
We are so proud of the efforts of our Preps!
The Prep Team
Miss Gallo, Mrs. Cole and Mrs. B