ENews 29th January 2021

Issue 2021-01

News from the Principal and Assistant Principal Part One


It has been wonderful catching up with students over the last two days and hearing about all their holiday fun! Our new Prep students have begun today with great smiles and enthusiasm and are already showing us that they are more than ready for school.

We warmly welcome our new families to our fantastic Chelsea community and hope your time with us will be positive and memorable.

We have a wonderful school and we are sure the new students will thoroughly enjoy being part of the Chelsea Primary School community.




To ensure our preps get the very best start to their learning every student will be assessed using the mandated English Online Interview (EOI). The EOI is a tool for assessing the English skills of students across the three modes of English:

Reading, phonics, speaking and listening.

Teachers will also complete a numeracy screening test.


Our teachers gather valuable data on a student’s capabilities and plan for their learning and development throughout the year. It’s another data source to support schools in their implementation of Literacy and Numeracy goals.

Classroom teachers will assess students over the next few Wednesdays- February 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th.

During these sessions, parents will also have the opportunity to share any additional information with their child’s teacher.  If you have any questions about booking a time or would like further information about the assessments, please do not hesitate to see your child’s teacher.


To highlight our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) approach, our classes have been focusing on our CPS Behaviour Matrix which outlines expectations in the playground, the yard, learning spaces, toilets and even on excursions.

SWPBS is a whole school approach designed to promote and maintain a safe and orderly learning environment for all students and staff. It focuses on everyone and all settings within the school and promotes a positive focus on academic and behavioural outcomes across the school. It clearly defines our core expected behaviours, which are:

  • Respect
  • Relationships
  • Resilience
  • Responsibility

News from the Principal and Assistant Principal Part Two


As a Be You school (formally Kid’s Matter) we appreciate the challenges many families have as their children transition back to school. Here are some great tips to manage ‘Back to School Anxiety’.

‘The hot, sticky weather has reached its peak and you’re being bombarded with stationery and uniform adverts. It can only mean one thing: the holidays are over and it’s time to head back to school. 

Starting a new school year can be an exciting time, but also an anxious one. Lots of kids – and their parents – feel nervous in the build up to their first day back. This is really common, but that doesn’t make it any less stressful! Having your child attend school for the first time or starting a new school can create even more anxiety.

Preparation is key to dealing with situations where there are lots of unknowns. The more things feel familiar and controlled, the more your child or young person can relax and feel confident about what’s happening. 

Here are some strategies and tips to make the transition back to school a positive experience. 

For primary school students

  • Get back into the school-day routine– waking up, eating and going to bed at regular times.
  • Get your child involved in planning out their lunches and snacks for the first week back. 
  • For anxious kids, plenty of detail can be calming. Talk through the steps of getting to their classroom: "And then we hang up our bag on our hook; we say hi to our friends; we find our seat...etc."  
  • Stick to familiar routines as much as possible. Try to have a calm evening and allow more time to settle before bedtime if your child is feeling excited or nervous about school.
  • Help your child pack their bag the night before. A visual checklist can help them remember what they need to take. Lay out their clothes so everything’s ready for the morning.
  • Allow some extra time to get ready on day one so you’re not rushing.



We warmly welcome new staff members to Chelsea Primary School.

Year 6 –Samantha Lawrence

Year 3/4 –Simon Maddock

Year 1-Maddie Culshaw

Prep-Bianca Ippolito

Classroom Support-Rebecca Reeves, Katrina Campbell and Gab Neighbour

We are also delighted to announce our 2021 Tutor program teachers –Nikki Morecroft and Rebecca Cole and Intervention staff –Tanya Todd and Sue Bray.



Please be aware that the Department of Education and Training (DET) does NOT provide personal accident insurance or ambulance cover for students. Parents and guardians of students who do not have student accident insurance/ambulance cover are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance or transport, as well as any other transport costs. Private property brought to school by students, staff or visitors is not insured and DET does not accept responsibility for loss or damage. This can include mobile phones, toys, sporting equipment, bikes and scooters, and cars parked on school premises.


News from the Principal and Assistant Principal Part Three


We are always very proud of how smart our students look in our Chelsea Primary School Uniform.

Our uniform Policy is regularly reviewed by our School Council Education Committee. Her are our expectations for our Summer Uniform.

Summer Uniform-school checked dress, shorts/skort, school polo, Sunsmart hat, school bomber jacket/windcheater

Reminder-no jewellery, nail polish, coloured socks, leggings or dyed coloured hair. Hair below shoulders needs to be tied up. (Both boys and girls)

Your support is appreciated.

If any families require support for purchasing uniform, please contact Jan Smith (Assistant Principal)

PANTRY 5000         


Congratulations to the team from Pantry 5000 who won the Kingston Council Community Group of the Year award which was presented on Australia Day. This was awarded for their incredible support for those doing it ‘tough’ over the years, particularly in 2020 where they delivered hundreds of food parcels and packages to families in need every week.


Calendar of Events


3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th
Prep students Literacy Testing

Year 3 to 6 District Swimming Time Trials at Toby Haenen Swimming Centre

The District Swimming Carnival (More details to be advised)