Funtime lunchtime has begun with a blast! Student and teacher led lunchtime events provide alternative activities for students to enjoy.
These include –Daily Chill out Club, Choir-Chelsea C Majors on Thursdays with Mrs Hulse, Creative Play with Mrs. Stansfield on Tuesdays and Funky Friday Sport with our Sport Captains and Ms McDonald.
This week some enterprising students have created a ‘Science Club’ which starts next week.
Here is their message-Hello parents and students! ‘Space Club’
will be held second half of lunchtime on Tuesdays and Fridays
in the Senior Building. It’s open to all students prep-Year 6.
Drawing, reading about space and colouring. By Callum and Millar.
Thank you to our parents who met with teachers for our Meet and Greet Meetings this week. These meetings were an opportunity for parents to meet their child's teacher and communicate about their child's wellbeing or educational needs. Further opportunities will be available to discuss your child’s progress throughout the year at June reporting time or by appointment.
We should all continue to monitor our personal health and well-being and that of our children through these ‘interesting times’.
The last twelve months have brought many emotional challenges to families which often impact on children at school. Focusing on personal well-being, a supportive network of family and friends, striving for a life in balance and maintaining a growth mindset are all preventative measures that will help combat the inevitable stressors of living, working and learning in Lockdown. We have included below some Health and Wellbeing resources that you may like to try.
Clear Fear app. https://www.clearfear.co.uk/
Reach Out Worry Time- https://au.reachout.com/tools-and-apps/reachout-worrytime
Relax Melodies- https://www.relaxmelodies.com/
Anxiety Management- https://au.reachout.com/tools-and-apps/self-help-for-anxiety-management
If you have concerns for your child or families wellbeing, please contact your child’s class teacher or Jan Smith (AP).
To the Chelsea Primary School teachers, community and very special neighbours.
I would like to thank you all on behalf of Orien, Adriel, Evie and Ilias Webster for all the love, support, gifts and food you have shared.
We would not have coped with this without your support after the passing of their mother and my daughter-Tileena in November.
I wish I could thank each of you personally and this is the best way I know.
We appreciate the wonderful community we are in.
We hope you all have the best 2021 ever.
Yours sincerely Brenda Phelan (Webster’s Nan)
Come along and enjoy a delicious bowl of cereal (Cheerios are the fave), fruit, yoghurt and toast. Breakfast Club is run every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 8.15 in the Senior building.
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) applications close on 23rd June 2021
School camps provide children with inspiring experiences in the great outdoors. Excursions encourage a deeper understanding of how the world works while sports teach teamwork, discipline and leadership. All are a part of a healthy curriculum.
CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.
If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
The annual CSEF amount per student is $125 for primary school students.
Please read the information and application form on the Compass notification. You will need to supply a copy of your concession card to the office with your completed application form, either in person or email the school at chelsea.ps@education.vic.gov.au.
If you have any questions, please contact Ledam in the office.
We're already three weeks into our Colour Fun Run fundraising campaign and it's been a very promising start!
Currently we have raised $7,648.00 of our $25,000 goal, what an amazing effort!!!
Remember, the money raised will be going towards our bike shed and school oval upgrades so please keep supporting us!
If you are having any trouble setting up your student profile or fundraising online, please get in touch with the Fun Run Team on 1800 FUN RUN or email Sarah and Penny at chelseaprimaryfundraising@gmail.com.
Thank you for supporting us with your fundraising efforts, we look forward to celebrating with an amazing day!
The preps have been introduced to the concept of ‘growth mindset’ which means embracing the struggle in learning and not giving up when things get tough. They learnt this week that the brain is a muscle and we can get smarter by training our brain by learning new things and making it grow. We are looking forward to the prep barbeque next week and encourage all families to come along, 5.00-6.30pm.
Love the Prep teachers,
Miss Gallo, Miss Ippolito and Mr Pepi
We really enjoyed meeting all the parents that joined us online this week! It was a great opportunity for the teachers to learn more about their students. If you were unable to meet with your child’s teacher this week, you may message them directly via Dojo to arrange another time.
We are all really looking forward to our ‘Great Mates’ incursion tomorrow. The aim of the program is to teach empathy and resilience through a lively combination of information and interaction. This supports this term’s well-being focus on ‘Relationships.’
In Literacy, we are learning about adjectives as describing words. We are writing personal recounts and learning about the structure of this genre through the exploration of shared texts. In Year 1 we our focusing on the ‘magic e’ long vowel sound and in Year 2 we are reviewing all sounds from Year 1 and have commenced our Spelling Mastery program.
In Numeracy, we are all focusing on skip counting by 2s, 5s and 10s from different starting points and we continue to review place value. In Year 2 we are starting to explore addition strategies to solve 2 digit number problems.
Apart from the wee hiccup of the three day lockdown, 3/4s have commenced the school year brilliantly.
A big thank you and ‘well done’ to our Year 4’s. They have done a fantastic job of mentoring the new Year 3’s and helped them understand the routines and the different pace of middle years. Some natural leaders in this group; for sure.
Our Literacy program thus far has included reading some beautiful books as mentor texts. We have used a different book each week to: extract new vocabulary, explore new learning about the world, to model in our writing, grammar and punctuation lessons.
Some terrific work on Collective Nouns is displayed here
In maths, we are just about to complete our first concept, Place Value and students have got into the swing with our New Waves Mental Maths program and are producing some very respectable daily scores.
Last Friday we enjoyed an incursion delivered by Taskworks which focused on Teambuilding. It’s been a long time since the students have been able to attend an incursion or excursion and Taskworks certainly did not disappoint. The students had a fun-filled two hour session learning how to work co-operatively with their team. Here are some photos that might get your child talking about their experience.
Thank you to all the families who took the time to join our Parent Teacher Conferences; we enjoyed meeting our new parents and learning more about your child. We also enjoyed catching up with our ‘repeat’ parents.
From Vicki, David and Simon the 3/4 Team
What a great start to the year in our Senior School! We have welcomed the lovely Miss Lawrence to our team, and kept the wonderful Miss Ebbott, Mr Pipella and Mrs Whiteside. We are very well supported by the terrific team consisting of Mrs Tilley, Mrs Dwyer, Mrs Todd and Mrs Lancaster. We thoroughly enjoyed ‘meeting’ many of you this week at our online parent teacher discussions and are excited to be working with your children this year. What more could we ask for!
We have been busy focussing on setting up our classrooms for success. We have engaged in weekly tasks that focus on our School Wide Positive Learning Behaviours, which include our values of Respect, Responsibility, Relationships and Resilience. We have explored what these mean and related these back to our own classes, which have enabled class agreements to be put in place. At the same time we have explored the Zones of Regulation, Mindset which has included ‘green’ and ‘red’ thinking (open and closed mindset) and The Pit and what it means to ‘fill buckets’ and be kind individuals.
Our literacy has focused on our daily routine of Spelling Mastery, Morphology, our class novel and writing. We have been learning about sentence structures and types, putting our ideas together to produce narratives and engage in sessions to focus on grammar and reading comprehension. Our ’100 Word Writing Challenge’ is back with the first of our writing superstars being published in today’s newsletter. This week we were fortunate to have an online incursion with the amazing author Andy Griffiths. We got to learn about how he comes up with his ideas, what he uses to write in (a 64 page exercise book to be exact) and to hear all about his new treehouse book coming out soon!
Maths has seen us focus on place value, and then onto exploring multiplication, BODMAS and division. We have collected data on a question of our choice to get to know our class mates better and we have engaged in ‘Problem Solving Thursday’ where we are challenged by the journey as much as the outcome. Every Friday we review our maths through our Mental Maths program that we engage in each day. We are finding students have already become more positive about mathematics and are enjoying the support and extension being offered. Stayed tuned for our school wide World Maths Day coming up next Wednesday!
Interschool Sport (ISS) has been back this term – WOOHOO! We are being great sports every week when we play other local schools in Kickball, Basketball, Volleyball, Lawn Bowls and Cricket. It’s amazing to have Miss McDonald part of our ISS day too this year and we thank her for her organisation with this weekly event.
The Senior Team
Throughout this Term we have had a blast learning music through singing, dancing, reading sheet music and preparing performances.
The biggest highlights are the new exciting extra-curricular groups that are starting to take form, so buckle up.
The Chelsea School Band!
This week we just concluded auditions and are now going through a process to pick and choose students who showed dedication and talent to join our band. Some very skilled and expressive students tried out and I believe will create an amazing new hub for these select people and we can begin collaborating and creating music together. News of who was successful will be going out in the upcoming week.
We also will be having a Senior Dance Group gathering on Tuesday Lunchtimes which will be student ran by our amazing leaders Maggie D, Lena A, and Olivia M. This will be available to students from Grade 3-6. Come join if you have a funny bone you just can’t dance out. Listen out for further information if you’re interested.
And finally we can never get too excited by Mrs. Hulse bringing back the Chelsea Choir. An incredible turn out so far, but if you’re in Grade 3-6 and still want to have a try, it’s not too late. Come join in at Thursday Lunch Times, the more the merrier.
We have started our 100 word writing challenge again in the senior school. The first prompt we have been judged on was one where we had to use the phrase ‘everything stopped and’. Well done to everyone who had a go for the very first time! These are our weekly winners who all received a certificate and the joy of having their work published here!
I looked over my shoulder. Aah the sandcastle was moving. Everything stopped and the sandcastle creeped toward me. It was really creepy with big red eyes. It was going to eat me. It almost got to me but I slipped just out of its reach and I ran until I could run no more. But somehow it caught me and took me back to its lair where it took me to its dining room to eat. It almost ate me but then my friends came charging in and fought till I was saved. It was the most vicious battle. (99 words)
Isabelle – 5W
I woke up to get a drink in the middle of the night. I turned on my small light and went out of my room. I was nearly at the tap when everything stopped and the only thing going was time. I was stuck in the pitch-black nothingness of my house. I had to turn the back-up power on. I stumbled outside and it was darker than inside, if that was possible. I felt the box and opened it. I touched a lever and pulled down. The outside lights turned on followed by the electrical appliances inside. THE POWER WAS BACK ON! (102 words).
Daniel – 6L
The Road to Heaven
The spider’s fangs sank into her arm. She fell over with a THUD, and darkness took her. Everything stopped and all she could see was black. She walked and walked for miles, and she took many twists and turns. Many times she was scared but she moved on to find her way out of this place. Thorns on the floor pricked her feet but she stopped. She stopped because she banged into something. Or should I say, someone. A man with a white beard held her hand and they teleported to somewhere, “Welcome to Heaven!” he said. (97 words).
Elodie – 5W
It started at school where we all met up. Then we casually road past St Josephs and crossed the train track rails. As we crossed the road to the other side, BANG!! I had hit the construction sign. Everything stopped and the man walking past stopped in his tracks. I quickly SNAPPED back into reality and all I could do was laugh. And for some reason it didn’t hurt. We kept riding to the shops and we got some chips. I was very happy. I now have a fear of construction. PS: Real Story. (94 words).
Grace – 6L
On Friday 19 February our 100 word writing challenge involved this image of the moon. Students were asked to write in response to this prompt. We had lots of creative entries, well done to everyone who entered. Here are our winners from this week:
As the spaceship landed on the rocky surface of the moon, I thought about all the things I had sacrificed to be here. My job, time with my family ……. BUMP! ‘Whoa!’ I exclaimed as the ship hit the ground. I squeezed into my space suit and put my oxygen tank on my back like a back-pack. The space suit had a lot of little tubes on it that were filled with water. If I got too hot the water would become cold to cool my body down and if I became too cold the water would heat up. Just then I a little red light blinked on my……….. BOOOM!
Eve J – 5P
BOOM!! “Ahhh!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. Our spaceship had crashed! We managed to escape the more than damaged hunk of metal. I nearly got trapped but Ally yanked me out. I fell out and hit my head on the rocky moon. “Woah!’ I said. My helmet was slightly dented but I didn’t really care. We turned around. “Well that’s not something you see every day!” Ally exclaimed. We looked out into the distance and saw a tiny Earth. “I know, right!” I cried. We turned back to the spaceship. “How are we going to get home?” I said. “I dunno!”
Patti M – 5W
I was walking back from the supermarket when I saw a purple glow in the corner. “Huh?” my curious mind told me to see what is going on so I did. I walked around the corner and saw a portal! I dropped my shopping and dived into the portal *BOOM* the portal closed behind me… “HELP ME! SOMEBODY!!” *BASH* My bottom hit the moon?! Somehow I had a space suit on…I didn’t panic and walked for hours, which felt like days. All of a sudden I saw people! “OMG THIS IS MY CHANCE!” I ran into them and they disappeared… I now live on the moon…
Jasmine H – 6L
In the space station Ted found himself wondering about what was happening back on earth. When he looked out of the window he saw a huge explosion back on earth. He looked back into the station and then he saw a huge monster looking back at him, he then proceeded to run to the escape pod and got his space suit on. “Here we go” he whispered to himself. Ted was terrified, but he set the route to the base on the moon as the creature entered the room and proceeded to jump at the pod, luckily Ted escaped first.
Jacob B – 6L
Dear Mums and Dads,
Chelsea Primary School in conjunction with our neighbouring Primary Schools is again embarking on its annual Dad’s day football match against St Louis Aspendale. The dads from the area will embark on a day of fun in footy as we seek to turn back the clock and enjoy a light-hearted (modified rules like no tackling etc.) football match.
The aim of the day is to use sport to bring dads together and get to know one another. The day will be used to strengthen our commitment to the community and embrace the society in which we choose to raise our children in. The only pre-requisite for this day is a jovial and friendly attitude (serious competitors need not apply). We welcome all varying skill levels and participating efforts, thus ruling out any excuses for not joining in, what has become a fun event for the entire family.
This year we have a particular interest of getting the parents from grade one involved as COVID-19 meant that we were robbed of getting to know them last year, the incumbent Prep parents of this year 2021 as well as new families who have moved to the area. These new parents are the future of this whole event as eventually the current leaders of this match will step away as their kids grow older and we need to be continually be passing the baton along to ensure this day continues to grow, prosper, and build new relationships. So, for those who are only learning about this for the first time please understand that your involvement to this day and spreading the word makes a positive long lasting contribution to the community that you are a part of.
In the lead up to the day we will have training sessions which are mostly be about getting to know one and other and enjoying some cool refreshments post training. Training will take place at 6:00 PM (most likely) at the Chelsea Football club (still to be confirmed subject to ground availability) on the following dates:
The event of the football game is normally held in September to ensure all families can get down to the oval to cheer on their real hero’s. However, this date is still to be finalised as we are also consulting with players about their availability and football ground acquisition.
There will be no limit to the number of players as we can extend the bench or have multiple teams should numbers permit. At the end of the match, we will have a trophy presented by the winning Schools Principal and awards will be handed out to various players.
On the day we will aim to provide trainers however we will need volunteers for field umpiring, goal umpiring, running water, cooking the BBQ and many other duties which will make this day one of the more enjoyable days of the year!!! So even if you don’t see yourself as a footy player but would like to meet some local Dads, we can find a role for you.
We need to stress that this day caters for all various age, skill and fitness levels. So, Mums and friends, if you know of a Dad who needs some encouragement please pass on our details (at the bottom of this page) and like an aggrieved wife who has asked his husband to mow the lawns for the last 3 months we will persist until they are on board for this fun day!!!
Other members that are available to be contacted for information about the day:
Patrick Donnellan 0438 757 850
Trevor Clancy 0405 109 321
Martin O’Donnell 0407 666 116
Reece Murphy 0425 855 585
Kind regards,
Rohan Anstey 0402 327 511