Enews 23rd July 2021

Issue 2021-11

News from the Principal and the Assistant Principal


We enjoyed just 4 short days of school then switched seamlessly once again to remote learning from home. Thank you to our staff and students for resuming remote learning so positively with a determination to continue their learning from home.
Thank you also to our wonderful parents and carers, for their critical supporting role. It can be challenging to process and manage changes to routines and the uncertainty that comes with COVID-19 and related restrictions.
To support our school community during this time, resources and support are always available for parents, carers and families. 
These resources will help to support the mental health and wellbeing of our students and the young people in our care during this time. 
The Education Department have also partnered with Melbourne Football Club to share some great information, tips and messages on wellbeing.
We have our fingers crossed that we will all be back on deck on Wednesday.

Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2019).
Information provided about students to the Australian Government for the NCCD includes:
  • year of schooling
  • category of disability: physical, cognitive, sensory or social/emotional
  • level of adjustment provided: support provided within quality differentiated teaching practice, supplementary, substantial or extensive.
This information assists schools to:
  • formally recognise the supports and adjustments provided to students with disability in schools
  • consider how they can strengthen the support of students with disability in schools
  • develop shared practices so that they can review their learning programs in order to improve educational outcomes for students with disability.
The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability.
The NCCD will have no direct impact on your child and your child will not be involved in any testing process. The school will provide data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student will be able to be identified – the privacy and confidentiality of all students is ensured. All information is protected by privacy laws that regulate the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information. To find out more about these matters, please refer to the Australian Government’s Privacy Policy (https://www.education.gov.au/privacy-policy).
Further information about the NCCD can be found on the NCCD Portal (https://www.nccd.edu.au).
If you have any questions about the NCCD, please contact the school.


As we finalising are our 2022 Foundation enrolments, we again seek the support of existing Chelsea Primary families and friends to formally enrol their children who are eligible to begin school in 2022.  If you require any assistance with the enrolment process, please don’t hesitate to make contact with the main office on 9773 2055 or access information on our website.

Our new playground has provided great fun to students over recess and lunchtime breaks.
Certainly the place to be!

Voting has just come in on favourite place to play. Here are some reflections-
Ayla-I love playing on the monkey bars
Riley-I like playing house in the tepee
Collins-I like relaxing on the grass hill
Evie-I like doing lots of tricks
Lennon-I love the whole thing
And finally Mr. Irish-I love hearing the musical chimes outside my window….all day, every day!



Calendar of Events

Staff first aid training

Junior animal incursion in multi purpose room
Book week author incursion - Lousie Park
16th to 19th

Scholastic book fair
16th to 20th
National Science Week
Preps Big Goose Excursion
23rd to 26th

Book week
Senior school exursion to Melbourne Museum
Curriculum day - student free day

Office reminders

School Assistance Fund

This fund is to provide Essential Student Learning Items or Optional Items for families at our school unable to purchase these items due to demonstrated financial hardship. Your contribution helps to ensure that all our students have the option of attending school camps and swimming programs and have the items they need for school.

Donations can be made via the Qkr app.


Chelsea School Shuttle Bus and Safe Route to School Planning Survey

We have now confirmed details for the transport of students from Maury Rd across the Frankston Line to St Joseph’s each school day and back again while the Argyle St pedestrian crossing is closed during the current works on the Frankston Line.

The Chelsea schools shuttle bus will begin operation on Wednesday 26 July. Should restrictions be extended we will re access this start date at that time.

The bus will pick up/ drop off from the corner of Swansea Lane and Maury Rd and also the Argyle Ave bus stop outside St Joseph’s. I have attached a flyer for your parents and carers that shows the route of the map, timetable, an explanation of the service and a number to call with any concerns.

Either myself or one of my colleagues will be there for the first couple of days to ensure the smooth operation of the service. We will monitor the timing of the route which will be traffic dependant and adjust timings if necessary. 


City of Kingston are seeking community input on Council's Draft Road Safety Strategy. Your feedback is important to help ensure that we are taking this key document in the right direction. 

A survey and more information on the draft strategy can be found here: Strategy and Survey 

We encourage everyone parents, families and staff to have their say.  
If you have any questions contact Michelle Galileos on 1300 653 356 or email: michelle.galileos@kingston.vic.gov.au

Foundation News

With the extension of lockdown placed upon us all, the preps have risen to new heights, and have evidently continued to astound the prep teachers. Your engagement and sheer determination to accomplish tasks within live lessons is inspiring. 

Thank you for proudly wearing your pyjamas in support of 'kids in care'. You all looked adorable, and it really set the pace for a fun day of learning. We miss you all so much and cannot wait to see you all again. 

Preps, don't forget to hug your parents, grandparents, or guardians. They love you immensely and are doing everything in their power to support you. Make sure you thank them and help around the house. A quick vacuum or dish duty can make such an impact on someone's day. 

Keep up the good work, stay positive and let's see what next week holds. 

Justine, Bianca and Matthew

Junior School News

What an interesting start back to Term 3 it has been! We started off with a fantastic first week, it was wonderful to see everyone’s happy and refreshed faces after the school holidays. We are currently back at remote learning and we are smashing it in the Junior team- let’s keep up the enthusiasm and engagement! We are currently doing a mixture of live online Meets as well as pre-corded lessons and it’s been great to see everyone engaging with the material.

In Year 1 we have been looking at place value in three and four-digit numbers. We have explored ordering larger numbers and placing them on a number line and we have looked at Australian coins and their value. In Year 2 we have been looking at using different addition and subtraction strategies to solve our equations.

We are continuing to use our shared texts within our lessons. Last week we looked at the book ‘Giraffes can’t dance’ and wrote about the things we are good at. We have also been exploring the different types of nouns that exist- proper nouns, common nouns and pronouns. This week during online learning we have been focusing on the book ‘Edward the Emu’.


Let’s keep up the positive energy we have been seeing back in the first two weeks. We know it’s going to be a fantastic term and it’s all because of you guys! We really love seeing everyone’s smiling faces during the live Meets- we hope we can all see each other in person soon! We have lots to look forward to such as our animal incursion on the 5th of August and our Book Week author visit on the 13th of August.

Love always,

The junior team, Maddie Culshaw, Wendy Stansfield and Chris Hulse.

Senior School News

As we, once again, settle into this new kind of normal, students in Grade 5 and 6 are keeping their heads high.

Learning has continued in Maths, Literacy and Inquiry studies through a combination of live lessons, teacher videos and self-paced learning.

In Maths, the focus is on Angles as well as increasing fluency through Mental Maths. Classroom teachers and Integration Aides are taking students through live lessons, either whole class or small groups. Some students prefer a self-paced learning style so they complete the maths task in their own time and self-correct once answers are posted on Google Classroom by their teachers.

At the moment, our writing focus is ‘Informational texts’ or ‘Writing to Inform’. We've looked at different ways we can inform with our writing and covered more than 26 text types from thank you notes and greeting cards to newsletters and signs.

This week, we are taking our knowledge even further and putting together ‘Member Statements’ in the form of a script and/or video to inform the local government about a matter, issue or person we think they should know about. For students who are interested in submitting their work to parliament, they will then upload a 90-second video to the local government as part of the 2021 Parliament Prize. You can learn more about this initiative at https://victorianparliament.us.launchpad6.com/ParliamentPrize2021

Inquiry is a combination of Science and Wellbeing and this will continue for the remainder of the term.


  • Our Melbourne Museum excursion (fingers crossed)
  • Production try-outs
  • Getting back to our beautiful learning spaces as showcased in these photos

Yours in learning,

Mrs Whiteside, Mr Pipella, Miss Lawrence & Miss Ebbott






Senior School 100 Word Writing Challenge - Winners

On 25 June 2021, just before the school holidays, we had this great image with this starter:

On the surface, everything looked ordinary. The boy in the boat was bored. He had lived beside this boring river with his boring family for his whole boring life. Nothing unexpected ever seemed to happen to him. He often went to bed at night and wished for something exciting in his life. Little did he know, underneath the ground he walked on and the river he rowed his boat on, a marvellous, mysterious, magical menagerie of life stirred. His life was about to become a lot more interesting…

Congratulations to these winning entries:

The city was quiet. The rickety wooden houses clung to the cliff, huddled together as if for warmth. The houses that lined the cliffs edge were ruined. They were empty, for even the rats had abandoned them. The clouds were dark and clustered in groups above the ravine. A drop of water fell. Then another. Then another. Soon thunder sounded, lightning flashed, and it seemed the whole sky was crying. The ravine was filled, but the city was protected by a dam. A crack appeared. The dam bent and spluttered. Then the water burst through. The towns reckoning had come.
By Declan – 6L

As I lay under the hot, boiling sun,
I think of what to do, sea sick and bored.
Laying on a boat is all I do.
On the surface, all I see is a tree on the land, then the sea.
Underwater, a giant whale lays, calm and gentle.
The water splashes and sways.
Crashing and hitting the side of the city, stilts shaking and boards clicking.
Waves crash and splash into my vessel,
I panic and tussle with my vessel,
Scream and panic is all I do.
Dear God what should I do?
Suddenly, I fall underwater.
I see the whale, calm and gentle as the tale.
By Shayla – 6E

The thing swam underneath his boat. It could change its size so it could remain unseen when it wished to. Then the boy eyed an island. He quickly rowed to it, catching up to speed, until he realised it was not an island. it was a thing. A greeny yellow thing. It was giant. It was sleeping. The boy hopped on its back, hoping it would be a nice thing. Then, the thing opened its eyes and shrunk. It shrunk to a microscopic size. Then the boy, who could not swim at all, fell into to ocean depths of darkness.
By Elodie – 5W

On 16 July we had this prompt during Remote Learning. It was a footy image and this was to be used as the start of the writing piece:

As the ball came sailing through the air towards Harry, he knew that what happened over the next few moments could decide the outcome of the game for his team. With his team-mates all watching him, and a thousand eyes glued to his every move from the sidelines, Harry gulped. His heart pounded inside his chest as he reached his frozen hands into the air to receive the ball…

Well done to these creative entries who are our winners this week:
Harry’s team-mates used all their strength to hold him up and yelled ‘’ GET IT HARRY!’’. Harry was nervous. He knew the game depended on him catching this ball, but he wasn’t sure he could do it. His eyes focused on the ball, arms stretched out and hands ready to catch. Just as the ball got close enough for Harry to reach for it, one of Harrys team-mates hands slipped causing Harry to slide down. Harry gasped! His team-mate was fast to react and lifted him back up just in time for the ball to hit Harry’s chest. Harry’s eyes instantly lit up as he wrapped his arms tightly around the ball. Harry saved the game!
By Alex – 5P

Harry could see the twisted ball bolting towards him. Harry knew that he could mark it like he had done a million times before but he didn’t know if he could put his muddy and frozen hands on it with all the pressure. The opponent fans booed at Harry, however the referee was supporting him. As he jumped up on his strong teammates and pictured the ball in his hands, he quickly put them up in the air and reached up high. Then suddenly, he could hear his teammates cheering him and fans screaming with happiness. Harry had done it because of his resilience and his self confidence.
By Liam G – 5W

…but he missed. He’s jumped too early. Luckily, his teammate marked the ball and, thinking there’s no way I can kick this ball sixty metres out, passed it back to Harry. Now Harry has to kick at least a goal to win as the scores are all tied up. “BEEEEEEEEP!!” the siren sounds. Harry comes in to possibly kick the goal, the sealer for the game. Feeling nervous and shaking, he goes to kick and… he’s shanked it! No score! Chelsea win! You can hear the Chelsea crowd screaming thrilled to have won the grand final - one of the closest it's ever been!
By Jack – 6E

News from Music

This term in Music is already gearing up to be an exciting time, especially with the obstacles we now have in front with Lockdown. The students have gotten incredibly excited over the return of the Chelsea Production! Each class/year level will have a unique setting with costumes, songs and props to create a fantastic scene for the whole school to present.

The theme of this year’s concert is “Time Bandits” and we are already in the throws of auditions for the main roles given to the Grade 6s. These protagonists will be jumping all through time and space to pull off their evil plans and hopefully learn a valuable lesson by the end of the performance.

For parents and helpers who are eager to assist are always welcome! As we get closer to the date, we will need support in crafting sets, props and costumes. So, if you’re interested keep an ear and eye out for when we get that ball rolling. Ask your children and family what songs their class is performing too so you can join in on the fun.

The production is to be locked in and performed at the end of Term 3 and an official date and time will be announced in the future. Get excited and hope you’re ready for the grand revival.

Stay Funky Everyone!

Lachlan Rundell,
Music Teacher.

Community Information

School holidays with Entertainment Membership

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Hurry, this offer is only available until 11.59am Monday, 30th September!

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How do Entertainment Memberships work?

Memberships give you thousands of 2-for-1 and up to 50% off offers from many of the most popular restaurants, attractions, activities, shopping, accommodation in your area and more. There are three kinds of Entertainment Memberships that you can buy: Single City, Multi City (for the whole of Australia, New Zealand and Bali), or a 2-year Multi City Membership.

How much money have I saved?

View your value saved on dining and activity offers in ‘My Profile’ tab under ‘Stats' in the ‘Value Unlocked’ box. 

How do I find offers in a specific location/ suburb?

Click on the ‘Choose suburb’ button at the top of the ‘Home’ screen. Select ‘Current location’ to find nearby offers or type in your desired location using the search bar.