ENews 6th August 2021

Issue 2021-12

News from the Principal and Assistant Principal

As we go into lockdown 6.0, we hope everyone is keeping well and staying safe as we continue to navigate these uncertain times. Remote Learning is not an ideal situation and certainly we are aware of the challenges it presents for both students and parents. Please remember that we are here to support all our community.
If you need any support over this time, please contact the school and speak to Mr. Irish or Mrs Smith.

Thank you to our wonderful students and staff for their amazing, kind (and funny) message (found on CPS Facebook page) to celebrate World Principal’s Day.

In this challenging time once again, it brought great joy (and a few tears) to our day. We are so proud to lead Chelsea Primary, and work with such awesome, students, staff and families.


Your Opinion is Important to Us!
The Parent Opinion Surveys were sent out via email to our randomly selected parent list. The survey is to be completed online. Could parents who have received the survey, please complete it by Friday 3rd September? It is important for our planning that as many parents as possible complete the survey as the results will be used to plan for the continued improvement of our school.
Thank you for supporting us in completing the survey.

Prep School Nursing paperwork is due on 13th August. 
This is a free service offered by the Department of Education and Training (DET). The aim of the program is to promote child health and wellbeing and to assist in the early identification of children with potential health related difficulties.
  • an assessment of any concerns you may have regarding your child’s health and wellbeing
  • advice and information about your child’s health, and referral to other services if needed
  • advice, information and support for families and school communities to promote the health and wellbeing of children and families.
Please return paperwork as soon as possible to the office or school letterbox in Argyle avenue.



What fun our preps and year 1 students are having participating in their PMP program this term!
PMP aims to develop a child’s perception, through movement and fine/gross motor experiences and gives the child experiences in seeing, hearing, touching, processing, making perceptual judgments and reacting though carefully sequenced activities. These involve running, hopping, skipping, jumping, balancing, crawling, climbing, throwing, catching and sliding. Thank you Miss Mac and Sport Captains for providing this wonderful program.

News from the Principal and Assistant Principal continue



Miss Hands has displayed some beautiful work around the corridors once again. The prep students created stunning collaged dinosaur eggs.
The year 3/4s have had an awesome time squishing, rolling and creating with (every students favourite activity) CLAY!
Can’t wait to see the final masterpieces created over the term!



Our Level Crossing Advisor has sent out updated information to support the school shuttle bus pick up and drop offs at Chelsea PS and St. Josephs PS.

Corner of Maury Rd and Swansea Lane (Both trips will drop at both schools as needed)
Trip 1 - 8.20am
Trip 2 - 8.40am (traffic depending)

Trip 1 - Argyle St Bus Stop at St Joseph’s – 3.15pm
Trip 2 - Argyle St Bus Stop at St Joseph’s – 3.35pm (traffic depending)
Trip 2 - Argyle St Bus Stop at Chelsea Primary School – 3.40pm (traffic depending)

Please note: where you see ‘traffic depending’, this indicates the bus may be late if local traffic is heavy. The bus will not leave before this time.


Margaret our beautiful ‘Argyle avenue’ crossing supervisor would like to thank everyone for their lovely birthday messages and gifts this week. We all always grateful to you, Barbra and Andy for keeping our families safe and  hope you had a beautiful day.

Office Reminder - CSEF

Extended deadline for Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF)

The Department extended this deadline in Term 2, to support school during COVID-19. The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund helps eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.
Payment amounts this year are $125 for eligible primary school students. Payments are made direct to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions and sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
Eligibility and application requirements
Families with a valid means-tested concession card, such as a Veterans Affairs Gold Card, Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, as well as temporary foster parents, are eligible to apply.
The concession card must have been valid on either of the following dates:

  • the first day of Term 1 (Wednesday 27 January 2021)
  • the first day of Term 2 (Monday 19 April 2021)
  • the first day of Term 3 (Monday 12 July 2021).

There is also a special consideration category for asylum seeker and refugee families, and for students in temporary situations such as out-of-home care. When applying, parents and carers must provide evidence of the student’s status, alongside the application form.
If you would like to apply, please complete the attached application form and submit to chelsea.ps@education.vic.gov.au along with a copy of your concession card by Monday 9th August 2021.
You can also download the form, and find out more about the program and eligibility, on the Department of Education and Training’s Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund web page.
If you have any questions, please contact the school office as soon as possible.

Chelsea School Shuttle Bus and Safe Route to School Planning Survey

We have now confirmed details for the transport of students from Maury Rd across the Frankston Line to St Joseph’s each school day and back again while the Argyle St pedestrian crossing is closed during the current works on the Frankston Line.

The Chelsea schools shuttle bus will begin operation on Wednesday 26 July. Should restrictions be extended we will re access this start date at that time.

The bus will pick up/ drop off from the corner of Swansea Lane and Maury Rd and also the Argyle Ave bus stop outside St Joseph’s. I have attached a flyer for your parents and carers that shows the route of the map, timetable, an explanation of the service and a number to call with any concerns.

Either myself or one of my colleagues will be there for the first couple of days to ensure the smooth operation of the service. We will monitor the timing of the route which will be traffic dependant and adjust timings if necessary. 


City of Kingston are seeking community input on Council's Draft Road Safety Strategy. Your feedback is important to help ensure that we are taking this key document in the right direction. 

A survey and more information on the draft strategy can be found here: Strategy and Survey 

We encourage everyone parents, families and staff to have their say.  
If you have any questions contact Michelle Galileos on 1300 653 356 or email: michelle.galileos@kingston.vic.gov.au

Foundation News

On Friday 30th August the preps celebrated 100 days of prep and what a celebration it was! The morning started with the prep teachers frantically getting ready to look like 100 year olds- packing on the baby powder, drawing wrinkles and checking out Mr Pepi’s bizarre head shaved look. At 8.45am the teachers greeted the preps and were so blown away by the cuteness! The preps also dressed as 100 year olds with walking sticks, glasses, overalls, beards, moustaches, wigs and scarves.

To start the morning, the preps made crowns that had ‘100 days of school’ on the top. The preps then counted to 100 and made ‘100 monsters’ by drawing body parts in groups of 10, for example 10 eyes and 10 arms. After recess, we all went to the multi-purpose room for a cool dance party. The teachers saw lots of amazing dance moves, cartwheels and karate moves. The preps and staff had a fantastic fish and chip lunch provided by the Omega 3 fish and chip shop in Chelsea - thank you so much, it was delicious! In the afternoon the preps ended the day with some developmental play and social interactions. What a special day! Thank you to our wonderful families for getting your child dressed up to celebrate a wonderous occasion, right after remote learning.

Love, the prep teachers
Justine, Matt and Bianca


Junior School News

We are so happy to be back onsite at school!!! Everyone is really making the most of our new playground too. The Year 1 and 2s have settled back into class beautifully and Mrs Hulse and 2H are especially excited after we hadn’t been together for over a month.

We have been making connections with our integrated studies unit on Biological Sciences through a focus on non - fiction texts about animals in reading and writing. This week we have learnt all about Polar Bears and the Arctic region. We are all looking forward to our animal incursion this Thursday too.

In maths Year 1 continue to work on addition and subtraction of single digit numbers while the Year 2s are looking at the connection between multiplication and division.

While we are all working hard we also find time to relax and reset our tired bodies and brains with some mindfulness activities too.


Middle School News

With a full week back at school under our belt, it almost feels like ‘back to normal’.  

Despite the hiatus to the start of Term 3, there has been no disruption to our Birralee term planner and students remain on track in all curriculum areas, which is a real credit to them.

Our writing focus continues to be Information Report and the students are currently working towards creating their very own booklet.  As a bit of a changeup, students will only use their IT skills to research their topic and collect photos, maps, tables etc.  The formatting of their publication will be done by hand with a strong emphasis on neat cursive writing, borders and presentation.  Here is a couple of wonderful examples of front covers from Mr. Hewet’s class.



In Maths, students are coming close to the end of our Fractions, Decimals and Percentage unit and although this can often be a difficult concept, many of our students are demonstrating a good understanding in the topic.  The importance of knowing their times tables has been well highlighted in this unit.

This week students have been learning to convert fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions. 

A big thank you to all parents who have already returned the Camp Consent, Medical and Activity Consent Forms.  It really makes the organisation easier.

From the Birralee Team

Vicki Middleton, David Hewet & Simon Maddock

Korean News

Prep worked on the topic of Family, ‘가족’ (ga-jok). To introduce the topic, students watched and learned ‘ê³° 세마리’ (gom sae-ma-ri), the three bears song. Students understand how we call our older brothers and sisters differently in Korea.

If you are a girl, older brother in Korean is ‘오빠’ (oppa) and older sister is ‘언니’ (eonni).

If you are a boy, older brother in Korean is ‘ 형’ (Hyeong) and older sister is ‘누나’ (nuna).

Year 1 and 2:

Students learned colours in Korean. Colours in Korean is ‘ 색깔’ (saek-kkal). In Korea, we add 색 (saek) at the end of each word. For example, red is ‘빨간색’ (Ppal-gan-saek), blue is ‘파란색’ (pa-ran-saek).

Our Year 1s wrote colours for each crayon and Year2s had to colour the rainbow by reading and understanding the colours in Korean.

Year 3 and 4:

Our Year 3 and 4 students learned classroom stationaries in Korean. They also played a Korean eraser game. In Korea, students play Korean eraser games at schools. The game is to have your eraser to land on top of the opponent’s eraser and when it successfully lands on top of it, you will win the game and get to keep both erasers. 

Year 5 and 6:
Students used a Korean-English dictionary to find a definition of Korean words in English. They understand how the Korean dictionary is also in alphabetical order.

Our Year 5 and 6s will work on a food project. They will pick an Australian food to research on ingredients and recipes. Through this topic, students will translate into Korean and share our food culture with Korean sister schools.

Community Information


Community Information continue

Our presentation by Dr Jodi Richardson will go ahead next Wednesday 11 August, 7-8pm as a Zoom event. Jodi is the co-author of the book ‘Anxious Kids’ with Michael Grose. She will be doing a presentation on ‘Moving Kids from Anxiety to Resilience’ for parents and educators, focussing on primary and secondary school aged children. This is a free talk, but bookings are required. The Zoom link will be emailed to participants prior to the date.

kingston.vic.gov.au/library/Lists/Events-Listing/Moving-Kids-from-Anxiety-to-Resilience-with-Dr-Jodi-Richardson – for more information and to book.

As you will be aware, Melbourne will be going into a snap 7 day lockdown as of tonight, 8pm.

As there will be a 5km radius restriction, to ensure the School Rewards campaign remains fair to all participating Schools we will need to postpone the campaign.

At this stage, we will plan to go live on Friday 13 August. I will confirm launch date via email once we have the all clear on this recent lockdown ending.