Enews 17th September 2021

Issue 2021_15

News from the Principal and Assistant Principal


Just a reminder, that it’s hat time again. As outlined in our Sun Smart policy, students when they return are expected to wear their hats (school approved) during play and lunch time and outdoor sporting activities. Students not wearing hats will be asked to play under the gazebo or shaded junior playground.
We appreciate all our families supporting our Sun Smart protocols at Chelsea Primary.


As parents, teachers and students, building resilience is quite often one of the most difficult of our values to work through. The last six months have certainly highlighted the need to support everyone’s resilience.  Throughout the term the focus on building resilience will be a focus on class wellbeing lessons and our Peer Mediator support.


As Mrs. Sarah Park returns from leave, we are now farewelling our beautiful Korean teacher Miss Esther Hong.  Esther has bought much joy to her lessons to CPS students both on site and through remote learning. Her imaginative and creative program has certainly developed cultural understanding and knowledge of the Korean language, customs and celebrations. Live crosses to our Korean sister school and Korean Day celebrations were highlights of Esther’s time with us.
On behalf of the Chelsea Primary School Community, we wish Esther the very best in new teaching opportunities and thank her for her dedication, passion and inspiration!


As we cross our fingers to a return to school next term, we want to assure families that a smooth and supportive transition process will be in place to support all prep-Year 6 students. As of yet we have not been informed as to what it will ‘look like’ but we will communicate with families as soon as we are informed by the Department of Education.

Wellbeing- Our highest priority will be the wellbeing, particularly the mental health, of every student, family and member of staff. We will access all available resources provided by the Department of Education and our Student Wellbeing team to support our most vulnerable students and enable staff to access the relevant support services.

Learning Some of our students have thrived in the remote and flexible learning environment, others have maintained their learning progress, and some have been challenged, despite their best efforts and those of their families and teachers. We will support both those who need it to catch up and those who have progressed to continue to extend their learning.

Transitions We are currently planning positive transitions for children moving from kindergarten into Prep, the Year 6s moving into Year 7.
The priorities of every Victorian government school in Term 4 will be to:
  • begin the process of catch-up learning and continue to extend those who progressed well during remote and flexible learning
  • support students to re-establish friendships and class groups when back on site, and provide additional support where needed
  • help every student prepare for 2022 with a sense of purpose and optimism
  • ensure students continue to develop their literacy and numeracy knowledge and skills, build their personal and social capability and are physically active.
We may need to adjust what we normally do in Term 4 – after all, this is no ordinary year.
We will determine other areas of focus in teaching and learning and wellbeing

Chelsea Primary School will also:
  • ensure children starting in Prep in 2022 can meet their new classmates and teacher, and familiarise themselves with the school setting
  • enable the Grade 6 students to mark the milestone of completing primary school and work with secondary schools to support the transition process for Grade 6 students

If you have any concerns for your child’s transition back when we return to school please leave a phone or email message and we will contact you shortly.

News from the Principal and Assistant Principal continue


What an amazing and timely our RUOK day was last Thursday. This fabulous event gave us all the opportunity to check in with family and friends and participate in a range of mindfulness, wellbeing, physical and creative experiences.
It was wonderful to see students and their families involved and having so much fun whilst gaining expert advice and inspiration to improve personal and family wellbeing.
Thank you to Miss Ebbott and team for your incredible organisation and to contributors- Starting off with a message from Tim Richardson, MasterChef cooking with Miss Gallo, Mindful Movement with Miss McDonald, ‘What makes Me Happy’?’ padlet, and ‘What is RUOK Day?’  presentation from the wonderful Sarah Letho from Patterson River Secondary College. Just amazing!


What a beautiful message our students at our Kingston Council’s Before and After School Program have created over the last few weeks. Students and families all contributed to this gorgeous, springtime positive message.


Thank you to Cale’s grandma who created these inspirational signs for the class. Very inspirational and much appreciated by all!

As term 3 ends, we again extend our sincere thanks to our parents and carers for all that you have done to support Home Learning once again this term. We appreciate your kind words and support and can’t wait till we can all be back on site together.

Thank you also to all our staff. To be on your computer all day is one thing, but to be delivering lessons, running meetings, catching up with students, running small group sessions, planning and responding to work, all day every day and supporting on-site students is a level of intensity that is to be admired.  Your efforts and energy is very much appreciated.

We hope you enjoy the well-deserved change of pace during the school holiday period. Take advantage of beautiful spring weather, take a break from screens, from attending meetings and uploading work and enjoy the wonderful things close to home.

Calendar of Events

End of term 3 early finish 2.30pm

First day of term 4 - start 8.55am

COVID vaccine eligibility

Dear parents/guardians and carers,

As part of the COVID-19 vaccination roll-out, all Victorian school students aged 16 years and above are now eligible to receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

The Victorian Government aims to vaccinate all final year students by the time they sit their end-of-year exams. Final year students are therefore urged to immediately make an appointment to receive a vaccine by following the instructions under the heading ‘How to book an appointment’ below.
The state vaccination centres have recently had their capacity increased to support Victoria’s drive to administer 1 million doses of the vaccine by 19 September.

We have written to your child to provide them with information about their eligibility for getting a vaccination. Students will be supported in every way possible to be vaccinated before the examinations begin.

Students completing their final year are particularly asked to book an appointment as soon as possible to support the safe conduct of examinations. As their parent/guardian, I encourage you to help them to book and if needed, support them to attend their appointment.

Final year students are asked to consider getting their first vaccine before the GAT on 5 October. In addition, it’s recommended not to get the vaccine on the day of an exam, or the day before an exam - to avoid feeling common but mild side effects such as tiredness, headache, muscle pain, fever and chills and/or joint pain during your exam.


Students can book their own appointment and consent to vaccination themselves if the health professional assesses them to be a mature minor.

How to book an appointment

To book an appointment, visit coronavirus.vic.gov.au  or contact the Coronavirus hotline by phoning 1800 675 398.
To find a vaccination centre and opening times, visit  coronavirus.vic.gov.au.
From 30 August, people aged 16-39 can get their COVID-19 vaccine at a doctor’s clinic, pharmacy or community health service through the Australian Government Eligibility Checker. You can book your appointment online or by calling the vaccine provider nearest to you.

More information

Translated advice about the vaccines is available on the coronavirus.vic.gov.au.
For more information about eligibility, visit coronavirus.vic.gov.au or use the Australian Government’s COVID-19 vaccine eligibility checker.
For further assistance, contact:
  • the Department of Health Coronavirus hotline: 1800 675 398
  • the National coronavirus and COVID-19 vaccine helpline: 1800 020 080
Please get in touch with me if you wish to discuss this.

Taylor Irish
Chelsea Primary School

Foundation News

To wrap up the term, the prep teachers would like to reflect on some happy moments that were experienced in Term 3 even though it was done remotely!

  • Seeing Mr Pepi’s attempt at making a fire for Science Week
  • Watching students participation in Miss Gallo’s cooking class for RUOK? Day
  • Celebrating 100 days of prep at school by dressing up as 100 year olds
  • Preps dressing up for Book Week
  • Meeting the pets of our students online
  • Getting impromptu tours of our students homes
  • Thank you Miss McDonald running extra PE sessions for the preps
  • Some of our preps participating in the Chelsea talent show


We wish all our students a restful school holiday break. We thank each and everyone of our prep families for your support during remote learning. We have our fingers and toes crossed that we will be able to have our last term of school in the classroom. Missing you all!

Love the Prep Teachers

Justine, Matt and Bianca

Junior School News

Newsletter Item for Juniors – Year 1 and 2

Our focus in literacy over the last couple of weeks was linked with our integrated unit on Science. Last week everyone was really engaged in learning about space and our solar system. This week we focussed on the book Flood by Jackie French. One of our tasks was to create our own artwork depicting a flood. Here are some of the brilliant pieces of artwork our students shared.

We really enjoyed all the wonderful activities provided on R U OK Day and are all looking forward to Footy Colours Day on Friday and the holidays!!!



Middle School News

Last week’s Reading focus for the 3/4 students continued on with Figurative Language.  After looking at the four Jackie French books; Drought, Fire, Cyclone and Flood, the students became skilled at identifying and classifying the figurative language; was it a metaphor, a personification, a simile?  What mental images did these words evoke?  I feel confident that their understanding of living through a natural disaster now has deeper meaning for them.  We also dissected some popular songs to look for the inferred meaning in the lyrics.  And that there is now a better appreciation for the skills of song lyricists.

Putting this knowledge of figurative language into practice with their writing took the form of providing a descriptive paragraph based on this John Freeman Art as their stimulus.  Not all writing pieces have yet been submitted, but hopefully we have some beautiful examples on the way.

In this final week of Term 3, we have given Spelling Mastery and Morphology a rest and concentrated on puzzle solving.

Word Puzzles are fantastic spelling activities and provide students with many spelling strategies. 

This week we have done Crosswords, Crosscodes and Cypher Quotes as well as played a few word games. 

And we have had some fun with Reader’s Theatre.  Each student has been allocated a character from one of four plays and even online,it has proved very successful.  Our plays this week were Pop, Poppity, Pop,  A Beary Unusual Pet, The Case of the Missing Socks and Princess Mimi Saves the Day. Great reading from everyone and great fun!

In Maths, we’ve just about wrapped up this term’s focus; Shapes and Angles and students have demonstrated a good understanding of 2D, 3D shapes and angles.  They have been terrific at identifying the different shapes and naming the different angles. 

This week, we posted a call out for Camp notices to be returned.  We are still hopeful that camp will proceed and if it does, the paperwork needs to be done and forwarded onto to Camp Rumbug this week.  So if you haven’t got your forms in, please hurry!  We don’t want anyone to miss out if we can go.

As a team, Simon, David and I would like to extend to you and your family, a very happy and restful Term 3 break.  We have our collective fingers crossed that this will be the end of remote learning and that we will have the pleasure of seeing your beautiful children’s’ faces in our classrooms next term.  

From the Birralee Team

Vicki Middleton, David Hewet & Simon Maddock





Senior School News

What a term! To say we are proud of our seniors and their families is an absolute understatement. We are beyond proud of the efforts to maintain connection in the online world and to complete tasks. We have tried to make each day as engaging as we could with games, quizzes, songs, drawing…and we have loved the energy we have got back from our students participation.  
The class and teacher Kahoot’s to end the term were a hit!

The last two weeks in particular has seen a focus on Patterns and Algebra, as well as the start of our work on Measurement, in mathematics. Students have engaged in daily live sessions and then been asked to complete tasks either on Google Classroom or utilising our new Maths Online program. Many of us have also joined focus groups for additional support, which we love to see. Students have commented that Maths this term has been:

I have liked the maths meets because it is fun and we get to see each other – Kade
I loved doing the patterns – Isabelle
I like doing the multiplication focus every Friday – Cooper

We have been engaged through the term in a Podcast called ‘Camp Dino’. It has been a chance to listen to quality literature and to respond in various ways. We have explored poetry in writing, this culminating in a poem for our Dad or Special Person for Father’s Day. To end the term we were excited by our ‘Mystery Pen Pal Project’, where if you give, you will receive. Students were involved in writing letters to a mystery person in their class. These were printed by the teachers and will be posted in the school holiday. Students will guess who it was from when we return next term! Students have commented that in Literacy this term they have enjoyed:

I have enjoyed the Podcast because it is good to listen and keep our minds happy – Kade
I love the 100 Word Challenge every week – Harrison, Cooper, Liam
I loved doing the podcast because it is so exiting to know what is happening next – Isabelle
I like to listen to the podcast because I can relax and listen – Raf
I LOVE the 100 word challenges! They are fun to complete with different prompts every week! – Patti

Well-being has seen a focus on being kind, through projects like our Lockdown Olympics and Kindness Movement, as well as on positive thinking and the benefits of physical movement on our mind. We have shown gratitude, resilience, thoughtfulness and green thinking throughout. On top of this we have tackled a new program called Flipgrid and used this to make positive videos about our mindset and for RUOK? Day.

I liked the Lockdown Olympics because it gave us something to do around the house – Jai
A highlight in wellbeing would DEFINITELY be the ‘Lockdown Olympics’! It was really fun and it was anice little break from sitting at the computers all day – Patti
A highlight was making Flipgrid videos about RUOK? Day and Wellbeing and keeping fit - Gracie

A highlight during our Inquiry into Science this term has been Mr Pipella’s scientist antics! The videos have been a highlight and kept us all smiling. We have tackled all things science and look forward to a focus on Geography next term.

I liked the viscosity experiment – Harrison
I enjoyed learning of Space and the funny video's of Mr. PIppella – Liam
I found viscosity interesting – Callum
I like the experiments because they were really interesting – Cooper
I like the experiments with Mr Pipella – Kruze

The term wouldn’t have been the hit that it was, in the online world, without our amazing team. Miss Ebbott and her passion for all things literacy as well as her monster effort to give us an RUOK? Day we won’t forget, Mr Pipella’s crazy funny videos and endless animations and commitment to Maths lessons, Miss Lawrence and her tireless maths planning coupled with her love of engaging us through morning quizzes, Mrs Dwyer for reaching out to so many of us online to show her support, Mrs Tilley for your onsite attendance working in groups and one on one with so many of us and doing all those ‘behind the scene jobs’ without being asked, Karina for jumping in to anything and everything whether that be online or onsite, and Mrs Whiteside for continuing the 100 Word Challenge each week and keeping us thinking green, spreading kindness, and being grateful through tasks and challenges. There is no ‘I’ in team, and you can see that with #TEAMSENIOR.

Stay safe these holidays and fingers crossed we get back onsite next term together.
Sarah Ebbott, Sam Lawrence, Tom Pipella & Tanya Whiteside



Senior School 100 Word Writing Challenge - Winners

20th August Winners

On Friday 20 August we had a prompt which was just one word – EXPLOSIVE. There were lots of creative entries and it was amazing to see that even in this online world, Well done to these winners:

Elizabeth walked into her room, and what she saw, was horrific. All her lollies had been eaten! “Chloe!!!” Elizabeth screamed as she raced down the hall. She could feel an EXPLOSIVE amount of anger rushing through her veins. Elizabeth burst into her little sister, Chloe’s room. “Did you eat my lollies?” said Elizabeth, sternly. Chloe giggled and Elizabeth saw. “You DID!!!” Elizabeth chased Chole out of the room. “MUM, Chloe ate all my lollies” said Elizabeth, but instantly regrets it. Her parents don’t know about the lollies! Looks like she was in for a lot of trouble…
Louella – 5P

My Dad is absolutely always there to take me to footy each and every Sunday morning, whether there be rain, hail or a beautiful shining day. Not only that, but my Dad makes the most delicious breakfasts, even on school mornings. Bacon, eggs, pancakes, muffins – nothing is too much to ask! Best of all, my Dad is the most selfless person I know. He will do absolutely anything for me, my sister and Mummy Pig.
BANG! The tornado ripped through the firework factory and all of the fireworks sizzled through the stormy sky! The fireworks exploded into the sky with colour popping everywhere. It was like a rainbow bomb has gone off in the city. The tornado swirled all the cars and trees around and flew them through the buildings! People woke up to loud banging from the fireworks and sirens going off. “BREAKING NEWS! There’s a huge tornado and it has just blown down the firework factory. Everyone must evacuate to the underground bunkers at your local park until this tornado passes!”
Cooper W & Jai – 5W

Dear Jeremy and Elizabeth,
You know I had to go to war to help people survive this dramatic scene unfolding in World War 2. What I saw today was heart breaking. I saw people dying, there were explosions going off everywhere and in every direction. I’ve been seeing legs and arms blowing off and I am losing hope. That was until I saw new poppies growing amongst the blood. I will try to fight to live again. I miss you so very much and hope you are well. Hopefully you’re making my favourite cookies, the Anzac biscuits.
Love from Dad
Pearl & Quinn – 6E

BANG! The missile flew far, hitting the ground, everyone around was scared. “We rule this land now!” the Taliban shouted. Little children were scared out of their souls trying to find their mothers. “Go, you have no right here!” a Taliban declared. “We are taking over Afghanistan, and you can't stop us!” he continued. Everyone was petrified. as the explosives hit hard to the ground blowing up houses and schools. People raced to planes to see if they could flee, and some tried fighting back for their country. They knew they would never win. But they still tried to save their home.
Eva – 6E

At 5am I was woken by the sound of what I thought was my dog’s VERY LOUD snoring but was actually a plane flying too close to the roof of our house. I looked out the window and saw what I thought was a normal passenger plane until the back opened and dropped something that looked like a MISSILE!!! I knew it would be extraordinarily powerful and explosive so I woke up my still sleeping dog and my mum so we could escape somewhere safe in the car. As we drove towards the sunrise, we watched it crash into our very shocked neighbours swimming pool and EXPLODE!!!!
Zayden – 5W

Senior School 100 Word Writing Challenge - Winners cont..

3rd September winners

On Friday 3 September we had a prompt related to Father’s Day. For this task students had to write a convincing paragraph about why their Dad / Grandpa / Special Person should win 'Father/ Grandpa / Special Person of the Year!' 

There were lots of convincing entries! Well done to these winners:
My daddy deserves the very prestigious dad of the year award because he is very kind to me and gives me hugs and kisses when I'm sad. My dad makes the best lasagne on Thursdays and the best eggs in the morning. Daddy always supports me no matter what and he will always love and appreciate me. He always takes me on walks and works very hard to help support our family and keep us happy and safe. Dad always takes care of me and spends lots of time with me. That is why he absolutely deserves the father of the year award.
Jacob – 6L

‘Father of the year’
The uncertain time we live during the pandemic and the isolation bring some difficulties and sadness to many families, although my dad managed to keep us safe and happy. He is very wise, supportive and sometimes if I feel down his advice and hugs would always lift my spirit. I love when we spend time together. There are so many things that we do - fishing, biking, playing tennis, basketball, making crafts like a swing or little house for the birds and others. My dad taught me that I can turn anything negative into something positive and that’s why I nominate him as “The best father of the year”!
Maggie - 6L

I love my dad he’s very adored
That’s why he should win the best fathers award
My dad cooks amazing food
He really is a cool dude
He makes me laugh until I cry
And makes sure that we never lie
My dad cares so much, he has the biggest heart He is so talented, such a work of art
My dad tries his hardest in everything
And tell us that we should never give in
My dad has great humour it’s always a joke
And he’s pretty good at swimming backstroke I love my dad he’s very adored
That’s why he should win the best fathers award
Matilda - 6E

Why my grandad should win the Best Grandad Award.
  1. My Grandad should win the Best Grandad Award because he is so kind! He protects and looks after everyone, and he lets us use his things for emergencies.
  2. He is so cheerful! Everywhere we go I see a smile on his face! It takes a lot to wipe it off. There is always one time in the day that my Grandad has a smile on his face!
  3. My Grandad should win the Best Grandad Award because he is so helpful! He always helps us find stuff if they go missing.
Those are some reasons why my Grandad should win the Best Grandad Award, for being kind, cheerful and helpful!
Louella – 5P

I am certain my dad will win Dad of the Year and will wow you with my reasons. Firstly, he takes care of me by feeding me delicious and amazing food such as Danish meatballs, dumplings, potato salad and more! Dad also takes me on adventures to places like the peninsula, the beach, to visit horses or the wetlands. My dad is kind and loving, he always takes care of me and never lets me be sad. These are just one percent of the reasons why my dad deserves to win Dad of the Year, this year and forever!
Jake – 6L

I am absolutely positive that my dad should win Dad of the Year and here are the reasons why. Firstly, he has inspired my obsession with football by always taking me to the footy oval no matter the weather. We play ‘Jack in the pack’ and do training drills. Being at the oval with him makes me feel grateful to have a dad that wants to hang out with me. Nothing is too much for dad. Whenever I want something, he gets it done and builds me things as amazing as a ninja warrior course. My dad is incredible!
Jack – 6E

Why My Dad Should Win ‘Father of the Year’
There are a million different reasons why my dad should win the ‘Father of the Year’ award, but today I can only say a few. My dad is the dad kids dream of having. Someone who makes you feel safe and loved, someone who tells you every day how special you are, someone who will love you unconditionally; forever and always. He takes care of us, working his tail off to keep the family afloat. He always makes time for me; time to make me laugh, time to spend together, time to make sure I am ok.
Thank you Dad, for being the best father I could ever ask for.
Eve – 5P

My dad deserves ‘farther of the year award’ because he makes yummy food for dinner, he helps me if I get stuck on a maths problem or if I get stuck on a piece of school work, he helps fix things if they are broken and lets me and my siblings help repair the toy. We get to go to really fun places with him. He makes really cool things out of LEGO. He is really fun. He can solve any problem. He makes the best bacon and eggs. And that’s way I think he deserves the ‘Father of the Year Award’.
Cale – 6L

If anyone should win the best dad in the world, it should be mine and let me tell you why. First off he is always wanting to spend time with us, whether it’s playing board games or going on bike rides. Secondly, he makes the best food in the world and I'm not exaggerating, his spag bowl is legendary. Lastly, he is the most kind, funny and patient person in the world and I love him a lot. That is why my dad should win dad of the year!
Tahlia – 6E

My Dad Should Win ‘Father of the year’
It is clear that my dad should win ‘Father of the Year’ but let me tell you just why he should be ‘Father of the Year’. First of all, he is undoubtedly helpful, if you’re struggling, he would always offer to help, anything, anytime. Secondly, he isn’t selfish, he doesn’t only think of himself, he thinks about others, for example, when we both are playing soccer and I ask to be goalie he doesn’t say no. Lastly, he has an infectious warm heart. As a result of these reasons, I think my dad must certainly be ‘Father of the Year’.
Richard – 5W

Dad of the Year
If there was a dad of the year award,
My dad would win I’m certain,
I can picture him holding the trophy,
Walking onto the stage out from the red curtain.
My dad is loving,
He’s kind,
He's caring,
I think you will find.
He walks the dog,
He reads us books,
He cooks great food,
And doesn’t judge the way we look.
So the Dad award should go to him,
He would get it I’m certain.
I can picture him holding the trophy,
Walking out on the stage from the red curtain
My dad is the best,
I think we can agree,
He makes people feel special,
Including ME!
Elodie – 5W

Music News

Chelsea’s Got Talent

It has been a crazy term with so much changing and plans going a bit sideways.
But if there was something to highlight in the music classroom, it's that we were able to conduct a special performance of “Chelsea’s Got Talent”.

We had so many submissions and it was amazing to see such varied and awesome talent our school has to offer. Even from a distance, we can still show off our skills. The turn out to watch the event was great and for those who missed out or just want to experience it all over again, it has been recorded to be viewed at your leisure.

Finally it is time to announce our winners. The following students will receive an assortment of goodies that they will be able to pick up in Term 4 (Once it is safe to do so). They will be accessible via the office – State your name and that you are picking up your prize!

The winners are……

Cara C of 3/4S
Jamie O of FG
Tiana B of 6E

Congratulations to them and everyone who was in the show! We cannot forget a special thanks to the family and friends who helped their children shine, we couldn’t have done it without your help.
If you’re still interested in viewing the recording the link is below.

Have a safe break everyone and stay funky.
Mr. Rundell

School holidays with Entertainment Membership

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Hurry, this offer is only available until 11.59am Monday, 30th September!

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How do Entertainment Memberships work?

Memberships give you thousands of 2-for-1 and up to 50% off offers from many of the most popular restaurants, attractions, activities, shopping, accommodation in your area and more. There are three kinds of Entertainment Memberships that you can buy: Single City, Multi City (for the whole of Australia, New Zealand and Bali), or a 2-year Multi City Membership.

How much money have I saved?

View your value saved on dining and activity offers in ‘My Profile’ tab under ‘Stats' in the ‘Value Unlocked’ box. 

How do I find offers in a specific location/ suburb?

Click on the ‘Choose suburb’ button at the top of the ‘Home’ screen. Select ‘Current location’ to find nearby offers or type in your desired location using the search bar.