ENews 15th October 2021

Issue 2021_16

News from the Principal and Assistant Principal


We are very excited to begin our transition period next week as our junior students start to return to face to face learning.
We know that the extended lockdown 6.0 and remote learning has been a challenge, but having everyone back in the next few weeks will be absolutely fantastic!. Our entire community - teachers, support staff, families and students - have worked incredibly hard to make it the best it can be. Thank you so much!

Foundation: Face to Face Learning from Monday 18th to Wednesday 20th October.
Remote Learning on Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd October. Please assemble in normal place between 8:45am – 8.55 am.

Year One and Two: Remote Learning from Monday 18th to Wednesday 20th October.
Face to Face Learning on Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd October. Please assemble between 8:45am– 8.55am in normal place.

Years Three to Six: Remote Learning continues from Monday 18th to Friday 22nd October.
Authorised workers: Onsite support will continue to be provided for students whose parents/carers are deemed as authorised workers and those students deemed vulnerable. These students will also need to also arrive between 8:45am – 8.55am and assemble as usual at the front of the school.

All students must arrive by 8.55am at the latest for staff to mark rolls and begin learning sessions promptly.

It is important that we receive all permits and onsite attendance forms for next week by midday today 15th October to enable staffing arrangements to be made for these students and students in Face to Face learning.
We will publish a detailed plan for Monday 25th to Friday 29th October next week.

News from the Principal and Assistant Principal continue

Just a reminder as we return to school that it’s hat time again. As outlined in our Sun Smart policy, students are expected to wear their hats (school approved) during play and lunch time and outdoor sporting activities. Students not wearing hats will be asked to play under the gazebo or shaded playground.
Full school uniform is also required on students’ return. Please refer to our policy if you require  clarification relating to uniform expectations, jewellery, coloured hair etc. It will be a big transition for us all after wearing our ‘comfy clothes’ for the last couple of months.
If famililies require any assistance with uniform, please contact Jan Smith-Assistant Principal.

Term 4 is always busy with planning for the following year – class and staff selection, budgets, enrolments and more. In the first instance, it would be extremely helpful to us that if any family intending to leave our school community in 2022 because of relocation etc. please advise us as soon as possible. A phone call to the office, or an email to the school or my email account ASAP would be most appreciated.

And on the same ‘numbers’ theme, whilst we think we have nearly all of our current family enrolments for 2022, if there are any families who haven’t completed the enrolment process yet or you know someone who hasn’t, please do so asap as this assists also with our 2022 staffing.


October is Dyslexia Awareness Month. It's an annual event which is aimed at building an understanding of what dyslexia is, what it means and how we can support those with dyslexia.
Dyslexia can take many forms. For some, dyslexia just slows down the pace of reading and writing and visual interruptions, such as words and letters appearing blurry and illegible. Dyslexia Awareness Week aims to improve the lives of those with dyslexia - no matter the severity - and learn how to help those living with it. Through our commitment to inclusive practice at CPS, our intervention team have created an awesome display in the corridor and some great activities to raise awareness in the classroom. See below links to short videos you may want to view to raise awareness – the first one explains what dyslexia is, the second one shows famous people with dyslexia including-Tom Cruise, Orlando Bloom, Richard Branson, Walt Disney, Keira Knightly and Jim Carey.

See Dyslexia Differently https://www.google.com/search?q=see+dyslexia+differently&rlz=1C1GCEU_enAU842AU889&oq=see+dysl&aqs=chrome.0.0i512j69i57j0i22i30l8.5766j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Famous Dyslexics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrOvfIgiDZc
Dyslexia Advantage    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7BEtmEqpJg 
The Gift of Dyslexia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SGlErcddAY

Calendar of Events


18th to 20th
Foundation students attend school on site
21st to 22nd
Year 1 to 2 students attend school on site
18th to 22nd
Year 3 to 6 students continue remote learning

Melbourne Cup publci holiday
Step into Prep session 1
Step into Prep session 2

COVID vaccine eligibility

Dear parents/guardians and carers,

As part of the COVID-19 vaccination roll-out, all Victorian school students aged 16 years and above are now eligible to receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

The Victorian Government aims to vaccinate all final year students by the time they sit their end-of-year exams. Final year students are therefore urged to immediately make an appointment to receive a vaccine by following the instructions under the heading ‘How to book an appointment’ below.
The state vaccination centres have recently had their capacity increased to support Victoria’s drive to administer 1 million doses of the vaccine by 19 September.

We have written to your child to provide them with information about their eligibility for getting a vaccination. Students will be supported in every way possible to be vaccinated before the examinations begin.

Students completing their final year are particularly asked to book an appointment as soon as possible to support the safe conduct of examinations. As their parent/guardian, I encourage you to help them to book and if needed, support them to attend their appointment.

Final year students are asked to consider getting their first vaccine before the GAT on 5 October. In addition, it’s recommended not to get the vaccine on the day of an exam, or the day before an exam - to avoid feeling common but mild side effects such as tiredness, headache, muscle pain, fever and chills and/or joint pain during your exam.


Students can book their own appointment and consent to vaccination themselves if the health professional assesses them to be a mature minor.

How to book an appointment

To book an appointment, visit coronavirus.vic.gov.au  or contact the Coronavirus hotline by phoning 1800 675 398.
To find a vaccination centre and opening times, visit  coronavirus.vic.gov.au.
From 30 August, people aged 16-39 can get their COVID-19 vaccine at a doctor’s clinic, pharmacy or community health service through the Australian Government Eligibility Checker. You can book your appointment online or by calling the vaccine provider nearest to you.

More information

Translated advice about the vaccines is available on the coronavirus.vic.gov.au.
For more information about eligibility, visit coronavirus.vic.gov.au or use the Australian Government’s COVID-19 vaccine eligibility checker.
For further assistance, contact:
  • the Department of Health Coronavirus hotline: 1800 675 398
  • the National coronavirus and COVID-19 vaccine helpline: 1800 020 080
Please get in touch with me if you wish to discuss this.

Taylor Irish
Chelsea Primary School

Foundation News

What’s Been Happening?    

Welcome back to term 4! We hope you all had a lovely break and are ready to get back into it.
The last 2 weeks have been fantastic in our remote classrooms.

In phonics we been focussing on open and closed syllables and learning the three sounds of ‘Y’. The students have been learning how to identify them in words and how to utilise them in a sentence. In writing we have been setting personal goals for the term ahead and learning how to care for places that feel special to us.

In mathematics we have been having a lot of fun focussing on identifying and creating patterns with shapes and numbers. We have also starting building our awareness of time by duration of events and subitising number on tens frames and in arrays.

What’s coming up?    

We are ecstatic to have all our wonderful preppies returning as of Monday the 18th of October. We are so excited to have face to face learning back and cannot wait to see you all on Monday.

Have a safe and happy weekend.

The Prep Team
Miss I, Mr Pepi and Miss Gallo

Junior School News


We hope you all had some relaxation time during the holidays!!  We were hoping to all be back at school just like you but at least we can start the count down now.

Next week the Year 2 and Year 1 students will return on Thursday and Friday to onsite learning. We will be still providing at home learning with videos and live sessions.  The small session times for year one will change as we accommodate being onsite.  

We appreciate the great job all the students and families are doing at getting online every day and engaging in the online videos. The teachers have enjoyed catching up with the students in our online meets and are impressed at the attendance levels.

At school the students continue to work hard on lessons with the teachers and aids, completing the same program as the online students are doing at home.

Monday afternoon Tilley came to visit. The students discovered she eats apple…….so apple she got. Tilley is practicing to become a therapy dog.


Middle School News

And just like that, we are now well underway in Term 4 – where has this year gone!  Only a few weeks to go and we can celebrate as we move back to onsite learning, something that students, parents and teachers alike are looking forward to 😊

Within our Literacy lessons last term, we used a host of books written by well renown Australian author Jackie French.  We are continuing this theme into Term 4 by using another Jackie French book, Somewhere Around The Corner, as our class novel with which our Literacy studies tie in with.  Students are using the contents of the book to further improve their understanding of noun types, complex sentences, and making predictions.  Students have also had the chance to understand the novel on a deeper level through writing a daily diary entry from the perspective of the main character, Barbara, therefore increasing their connectedness to the storyline.  As the term progresses, further literacy studies will be aligned with this reading.

Students are able to put into practice their complex sentence writing skills as we ramp up our morphology learning with new root words and prefixes each day, which has the added benefit of further enriching students’ vocabularies.

In maths, Term 4 allows us to challenge students as we revisit many concepts presented throughout the year in more detail.  Beginning the term has been the study of composite shapes and finding the area within them by using our prior knowledge of regular 2-dimensional shapes.  Students have also had fun learning about directional language and using compasses to find their way around maps.  Patterns are the theme for this week, allowing students to not only recognise patterns in numbers, but also to make large iteration predictions through this pattern recognition process.

It was sad news for students and staff that the Year 3/4 camp was cancelled due to the current pandemic.  We look forward to welcoming students back with open arms and plenty of fun activities when schools reopen to re-establish relationships between students and staff, which the camp would have been fantastic for.

We look forward to working with everyone as we progress through Term 4. Take care and look after yourselves.

Simon Maddock, Vicki Middleton and David Hewet.

Senior School News

What a first week back it has been! Not only was it wonderful to reconnect but we got to celebrate our beloved Mr Pipella’s 31st Birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR PIPELLA!

We also welcomed our student teachers, Miss Adams and Mr Pierson to the team and they’ve proved to be highly valuable by planning lessons and supporting our students in small groups.

Nothing, however, has compared to the joy of seeing our students return to online learning and tackle their work with creativity and determination. This really is what makes teaching the best job in the world!

We started a Novel Studies unit this week using the book, New Kid by Jerry Craft. Students will be listening to two chapters each week and then completing a range of comprehension and writing tasks based around the chapters. This week, students used the book as inspiration to create a comic strip that included the four different types of sentences that we reviewed in our Writing lesson. They did such a great job that we’ve included a few samples for your enjoyment!  

In Maths, we had our final review of Area, Perimeter, Mass, Volume & Capacity. This culminated in students creating their own music video on FLIPGRID to help them remember specific formulas. Anyone with an @chelseaps email account can log onto www.flipgrid.com to view these using the relevant class codes - 5P: c93941f0 // 5W: 22f75ec5 // 6E: 2aeb6b17 // 6L: 32bd055f

Wellbeing topics will continue to be a priority this term. This week, students have practiced Mindfulness while eating and considered how their thoughts and actions can lead to achieving their dreams. This week, senior students also began a new Inquiry topic with a geography-focus. The topic is called ‘One World – How are we connected to the environment?’ and, over the term, students will investigate how human survival and development is a result of being able to adapt to the changing environment.

Sadly, this week we learnt that Camp will not be going ahead this term. However, the Senior Teaching Team is currently working on a range of ideas to make up for lost fun.

Speaking of fun, we CAN NOT WAIT to be back in our classroom’s soon!



Senior School 100 Word Writing Challenge - Winners 16th September

On the 16th of September we had a footy prompt in the lead up to the AFL Grand Final! We were provided with an image of a muddy footballer and asked to write about that.

Well done to our winners:

As I ran across the slippery mud, I could her the crown chanting my name. I knew I had to kick this goal to win the game, this is what I’ve been training for, I couldn’t let my team down. As I went to kick, the ball slipped out of my wet and muddy hands to early for the set shot. I managed to get a big kick for goal but the force behind the ball made me fall over onto the wet ground. “NICE KICK!”, “LETS GO!”, “YES!”. I stood back up to my teammates cheering around me, I won the game for us.
By Alex – 5P

I was determined to train in rain, hail or shine. I put on my boots and stepped out onto the wet, muddy grass. After only a few minutes of kicking the footy I was already covered with mud and drenched in water yet I still insisted to play. I kicked the ball, ran after it and fell on the wet, slippery pitch. I repeated this process for hours. When I was finally finished, I sprinted back into the locker room trying to avoid getting any wetter (If that was possible). I sat down and pondered how to get home without the car ending up like me.
By Daniel – 6L

Playing footy on rainy, muddy days does not guarantee you will stay clean. Bob had been playing football in the mud for ages. SQUELCH went the the mud as it hit Bob’s foot. SLAP went the mud as it hit Bob’s face. Bob’s parents wouldn't be happy. 6 minutes later, at 4:23, his parents drove in there new car to pick up Bob. but instead of there son, they saw a…. MUD MONSTER! They screamed as the mud monster chased them. But it was really Bob. They left and Bob was now left all alone, on his own. The mud wouldn't wash off because it was too sticky. Poor Bob!
By Elodie – 5W

"I’m really going to show these thugs from the Wallaroos”, thought Jack. “It might just be a practice match but the more competitive, the better and everyone knows, country practice matches are tough, especially because there’s no grass on the oval, just dirt and prickles”. Two hours before the game, it starts to bucket down which turns the oval to a muddy disgrace. Jack takes the opportunity to slip in the mud so that when he is tackled no one is able to hold him. His strategy works and no one tackles him all game. It’s a win to the Kangas! “What a start to the season!” Jack thinks.
By Jack – 6L

I was standing in the cold, thick, wet mud, ready to shoot the last goal, for Geelong. I had to. I want to. I need to. When I get ready to lift my leg to kick the ball, I realise that I cant lift it. I was stuck. Before I know it the mud is already up to my waist to coldness biting my skin as I sank. Then my neck, then my head, Until I was under. I had was losing breath. Until, there was none left. That was how I died.
By Louella – 5P

What a day for a Grand final! Not only is it pouring but it feels like ice cubes are falling from the sky. The ground has turned to slush and whenever our feet hit the earth, it’s like quicksand. We have to pull our feet out of the mud. Some players have even lost their boots! Jimmy is lining up for a goal but is tackled and smashed into the mud. Thankfully, it’s a free kick because it was a high tackle. Covered in disgusting brown sludge, Jimmy takes the free but… he misses because of how slippery the ground is!
By Lucas – 6E

Senior School 100 Word Writing Challenge - Winners 8th October

Our writing prompt for the 100 Word Writing Challenge on Friday 8 October was the idea ‘The inconceivable happened’. We were introduced to the definition of inconceivable: not capable of being imagined or understood mentally, it's unbelievable. 

The task was to continue on from this starter:
The night was still and eerie as I walk up to the bridge covered in white sheets and safety equipment. A man in full protective gear signals for me to turn around and abruptly jolts me back and forth, ensuring my space suit is all intact. 'Well if it was intact it ain't now' I anxiously stutter to him. The voiceless man directs me to the launch cockpit and straps me in so tight I could barely breathe. My team mates are silent, no one has the confidence to utter merely one joke, I'm sweating. 'T minus 30' echo's throughout the cock pit. '20... 10... 9... 8' I feel a snap and hear a bang, the inconceivable has just happened. 

Well done to these winners:

The rocket erupted in flames. Even in my space suit I could still feel the intense heat. ‘Mission aboard!’ said the loudspeaker. ‘I think the fuel tank’s blown!’ said one of my teammates; a look of terror and disbelief on his face. Desperately I tried to unstrap myself from the cockpit, but all my efforts were in vain. A glance at my teammates told me they weren’t doing much better. To my horror smoke started filling the cockpit; not your usual campfire smoke, but thick toxic fuel smoke. It was just as I had feared; my space suit wasn’t intact. Soon the smoke would start filling up my helmet.
Eve – 5P

Snap bang the wind shield has imploded shattering all over us. I hit the emergency red button MAYDAY MAYDAY ABORT MISSION DANGER. Somebody HELP. Then I realise the deathly silence. You could see the fear frozen on my team’s face. I tried to stop the engine but the controls were broken. Nobody could help us at this point we were all dead but I heard something coming from the storage room. It was the voiceless person with parachutes. We put the parachutes on and exited the rocket safely. We live to tell the tale happily ever after.
Kade – 5W

Sirens were blaring through the radio in the cockpit, red from the alarms were blinding as we were taking off "10....." but as the grapplers were breaking off one of them was still attached. As the rocket was blasting off it tore the arm out of the launchpad. The scientists had seen the inconceivable happen, the arm was slowing us down so much that as we reached the outskirts of earth. We were really slowing down and the arm dropped off as we exited the atmosphere but we hadn't enough fuel to keep going so we fell back to earth.
Koji – 6L

I looked around to my teammates. They were frantically holding onto their straps and putting on gas masks. “What’s going on!?” I ask. Suddenly somebody stuffs my head into a massive helmet and turned-on oxygen. Sweat dripped down my face and my stomach flips as the rocket falls sideways. My breathing quickened and objects flew everywhere. My teammates and I fall to the far side of the walls as the rocket plummeted towards the crowd of fleeing people. I hit the rough ground and my vision goes black. I wake up six months later in a bright white room with various cables keeping me alive.
Matilda – 6E

“There’s a fire in engine one! Abort the mission!!!” My co-pilots and I look at each other in horror. What is happening? What do we do now? A high-pitched squeal rings in my ears as the man opposite me breaks down and starts to sob hysterically. I yell at him to calm down as we needed to find a way to unstrap ourselves and get free from the cockpit. Our lives depended on it. An eerie silence descended on the cockpit. Suddenly the door bursts open and a team rush in to rescue us. We are saved!
William – 6E

Korean News

Welcome to Korean this term. It was lovely to meet some of you on our Google Meet last Wednesday. 

Mrs Park came back to teach Korean and STEM in term 4! We will be having Korean/STEM lesson on Tuesdays and Thursdays this term. 

For the first session, we learnt a K pop dance 'BTS - Permission to dance'. 

BTS are a South Korean boyband that debuted in 2013.Their name is an acronym for the Korean phrase “Bangtan Sonyeondan” which translates to “Bulletproof Boy Scouts”. They’re the best-selling artists in South Korea’s history. BTS broke the record of the most YouTube views in 24 hours in August 2020, with their first English-language song “Dynamite” video reaching 101.1 million views in just a day. 

BTS - Permission to dance 

These days, everyone is wearing a mask and it makes it harder for people who can not hear to communicate with others. To enjoy music with people who have difficulties like this, BTS made a song with some of international sign language to deliver the meaning of the song. The song is all about being yourself, dancing to the beat, and having a lot of fun while doing so. And if something is in your way, don't let it get to you — just dance! We have learnt 3 international sign language of having fun, to dance, peace in the song. 

Next week, we will be learning about 'Han Gul Day', Korean alphabet day, 9th October every year! 

If you want to practise the BTS song with friends and families, click the link below.



Community Information

Community Information continue


We have few weeks to go for our Storm Junior League Colouring-In Competition.

With some great prizes from our friends at the Melbourne Storm, Grill’d & The Pancake Parlour it’s not too late for your students to get their entries in.

Simply download and submit your colouring-in sheet online on the link provided and let us know which school in Victoria you are from for your chance to win. - NRL Victoria - Colouring in Competition

1st Prize – FREE Full-Season GA Family Storm Membership for the 2022 Season + A Family feast at The Pancake Parlour worth up to $200

Thanks to The Pancake Parlour, the school with the most entries will receive all the batter you need for a big flip up at your school.

Grill’d have also offered the first 1000 entries will receive a FREE Mini Me Pack!

We’ve already seen some great entries so far and can’t wait for more!

School holidays with Entertainment Membership

? The Ultimate School Holiday Offer is Here ?

Looking for ways to keep the kids entertained this school holiday while saving money? An Entertainment Membership is the perfect solution whilst supporting our fundraiser! Purchase a Membership today and you’ll receive:

A bonus Activ Visa eGift Card  – Yours instantly with any membership purchase!
? Up to 50% off dining, shopping, travel, and more for 12 months!
? 20% donated directly to our fundraiser

Hurry, this offer is only available until 11.59am Monday, 30th September!

Order Here - https://subscribe.entertainment.com.au/fundraiser/1821w69

How do Entertainment Memberships work?

Memberships give you thousands of 2-for-1 and up to 50% off offers from many of the most popular restaurants, attractions, activities, shopping, accommodation in your area and more. There are three kinds of Entertainment Memberships that you can buy: Single City, Multi City (for the whole of Australia, New Zealand and Bali), or a 2-year Multi City Membership.

How much money have I saved?

View your value saved on dining and activity offers in ‘My Profile’ tab under ‘Stats' in the ‘Value Unlocked’ box. 

How do I find offers in a specific location/ suburb?

Click on the ‘Choose suburb’ button at the top of the ‘Home’ screen. Select ‘Current location’ to find nearby offers or type in your desired location using the search bar.