Enews 26th November 2021

Issue 2021-19

News from the Principal and Assistant Principal

Can you believe there are only 3 weeks left before the end of term and what an exciting time for all is ahead! Here’s a snapshot….

Year five and six students have begun their intensive Bike Education Program this week which culminates in their ‘Bike Hike’ to Mordialloc next Friday.

We loved having our new 2022 prep (Foundation) students visit last Friday and today. They collected their ‘prep 2022’ T-shirts and enjoyed some Gruffalo reading and creative activities.


Today Miss I. shared another super book ‘One Mole Digging a Hole’ and completed a fun filled maths activity.
Our current prep to year 5 students will get together with their 2022 new level on Friday 3rd and will meet their new teacher on Tuesday 7th December. On this day our current Year 6 students will spend the day at their new secondary schools.

What great fun our Year 2 students had last night at the annual ‘Camp Preparation Night’. This long held tradition gives our junior students a ‘taste’ of what’s in store when they attend camp in year three.
Team building games (loved the dress up relay), sporting activities and a tasty sausage sizzle and sit-down meal. Thank you to our awesome staff for their preparation and Natalie our BBQ queen.



Preps are off to the Big Goose on the 9th December and we are certain they will have as much fun as the Year 1/2 students had!
On the same day our Year 3/4 students will be participating in a Circus Day. What fun!
Can’t wait to see some juggling, magic and tricks!


Next Wednesday four Year 3/4 teams will participate in the Gateways Challenge. Over the course of the day teams will rotate through four different Challenges. The focus is on teamwork over individual performance. Each student has an opportunity to demonstrate leadership in one of the Challenges. Strong emphasis is placed on creativity, lateral thinking and problem-solving skills. 
Thank you to Mrs Middleton for organising the event and coaching the teams. Best of Luck!

News from the Principal and Assistant Principal continue

Our Year 6 students are currently preparing for some whiz-bang events to finish their year off. Memory Books, STOMP dancing, Graduation Night preparations, Transition Day in Secondary Schools, Big Day Out and final assembly. We know the next few weeks will go so quickly but we all hope you love every moment of it.  


Friday 6th December, our Year 5 It’s Academic Team will compete with other local primary schools in the annual challenge. We wish our team of Elodie, Liam G, Lucas K and Eve J all very best!


Current COVID safe practices in schools remain in place until further advice is received from the Department of Education and Training.
When the Department of Education and Training advises schools of any changes to school operations, we will advise the school community. Until further notice, existing arrangements for social distancing, not gathering at the school gates, the wearing of masks for students in Years 3-6, the wearing of masks by all adults who enter the school for any reason, QR check-ins at the front office and evidence of vaccinations continue to apply in schools.
Thank you to our families for your support for ensuring COVID safe measures are adhered to. Your assistance will help us in our efforts to remain a COVID free environment and stay open for the remainder of the year.
Please advise the office by Monday 29th November if you will not be returning to CPS in 2022.  As you will understand, projected enrolments influence our workforce planning and class configurations.  Thank you in advance for a prompt reply.


In 2022 we anticipate a whole school enrolment of 320 students. We will have 15 classes in total.

The class composition will be as follows:
Year Level                                                     Number of Classes
Foundation                                                                     3
Year 1                                                                               3
Year 2                                                                               2
Year 3                                                                               1
Year 4                                                                               2
Year 5                                                                               2
Year 6                                                                               2
Our specialist subjects will be - Physical Education, Korean, Music/Performing Arts and Art.
Our highly regarded tutor and intervention programs will also continue.
We are currently finalising teacher placement and class support for 2022.

Calendar of Events

Step into Prep session 3
Year 5 students participate in Its Academic
Statewide transition
Prep excursion to the Big Goose Adventure Farm
Middle student circus day
Year 6 Graduation Night
End of year - Early dismissal (time to be confirmed)

Pantry 5000

Vouchers available to help kids to get active

Foundation news

What’s Been Happening?    

It has been a fantastic last couple of weeks!

In phonics we been thoroughly reviewing our diagraphs and learning the three sounds of ED. The students have been learning how to identify the sounds and how to utilise these words in a sentence. In reading and writing we have been learning about the human body and how it works. Then, moving onto fairy tales and sequencing the order and describing the character characteristics. 
In mathematics we have been having a lot of fun focussing on subitising on dice, tens frames and hands. We have also starting building our awareness of place value through hands on learning with icy pole sticks and we were even lucky enough to have the grade 2’s visit us to help us with this topic.
Last week we had an amazing incursion visit us. The students were lucky enough to see a ring tale possum, a range of reptiles and a tawny frog mouth owl. The students had an amazing time.  

What’s coming up?    

As the end of the year approaches we have some amazing things planned.
Meet your 2022 Teacher December the 7th 
Excursion to the big goose December the 9th
Life saving December the 14th

We hope you have an amazing weekend.

The Prep Team
Miss I, Mr Pepi and Miss Gallo


Junior School News

This week in Literacy, we are focussing on a book that encourages students to think about how to make our world a better place to live, Tidy By Emily Gravett. Our vocabulary and activities will relate to this book.

Both Year One and Two are focussing their maths on revision and ensuring the student have a deep understanding of topics covered this year.

We are all looking forward to the Christmas Concert and have been practicing when ever there is a free moment.

Last week we had a great trip to The Big Goose. The students had a wonderful time feeding and patting the animals. Of course, the bus trip there and back was also high on the excitement scale.

Dates to remember:

25th of November

Year 2 camp preparation

7th of December

State wide transition day

8th December

 Christmas concert

14th December 11.30-1.00pm

Life Saving Program

16th of December

Reports available on Compass

17th of December

End of term  2.30  Finish


Middle School News

Where oh where has the year gone!  Just like that we are approaching the end of Term 4.

As we head towards the end of the year, students have been busy in the classroom over the last couple of weeks completing many assessment tasks across all areas of the curriculum – reading, writing, grammar and punctuation, numeracy.  We would like to send a huge WELL DONE and THANK YOU to all students for displaying resilience in their school work during these times.

Further to our assessments, each day we have been challenging students with a 10 minute writing task using varying topics and sentence starters.  The students have been able to put into use all that they have learned throughout the year, from punctuation and grammar, to figurative language and complex sentences..  Our students have been so proud of their writing, with many keen to share their work with their class.  The differences since the beginning of the year are simply fantastic.

In numeracy, students are currently reviewing many topics we have covered during terms 2 and 3 to consolidate their knowledge.  A big focus has been on methods used for mental and written addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  Added to the mix, we have reviewed our work on volume, capacity and mass, and are currently reviewing our fraction knowledge.

With the milder weather upon us, we have also been utilising our fantastic school grounds to conduct the odd outdoor lesson or two, or to simply read our class novel to students.  This has been a hit, with students reporting back that they have been enjoying the change in scenery.  In addition, Year 3/4 sports have been thoroughly relished by all, especially during the sunshine.

Keep up the excellent work everyone!  Not long to go now 😊

Simon Maddock, Vicki Middleton and David Hewet.


Senior School News

The term is absolutely flying along in the Senior school. We are currently moving through a period of assessments, which is always nice to look at how far everyone has come, particularly in a year like we’ve had. As part of our whole school writing moderation, everyone in the school wrote a piece using the prompt ‘Emergency’. We are currently enjoying reading these out in class and seeing how everyone had the same prompt, but wrote about such different things.

Taking the focus off assessment, a fun writing task this past week has been writing mini picture books for the 2022 preps about what school is like at CPS. We are using this experience to take pride in our work and to think about what it really is like at CPS. In the coming weeks the Grade 5’s will write leadership speeches for 2022 positions which is very exciting for many students.

In mathematics we have been exploring whole number and multiplication. We are also spending time on problem solving and becoming confident with our multiplication timetables. Over this holiday break it is important to rest and rejuvenate, but if you really want something to work on it’s timetables. Being proficient in these makes EVERYTHING else in mathematics easier! Perhaps some singing in the car on the way to your camping destination might be in order these holidays?

The Grade 6’s are in full swing with their Memory Books, such important and precious keepsakes of their journey through primary school. The Grade 5’s are engaging in leading the learning of their peers in lessons they have planned and organised themselves. Natural Disasters has also been a focus for the Grade 5’s, with this coming together to have the students create a diorama of how to be safe in a Natural Disaster of their choice. All students have engaged in STOMP! each week for the past three weeks, which they are enjoying also.

All of this and yet there is still so much to look forward to. We have our upcoming excursion down to Phillip Island, Sailing Day, Life Saving, Bike Education, not to mention The Big Day Out and Graduation for our Grade 6’s.

All in all there is so much to be joyful about in the Senior school!

Team Senior – Sarah, Sam, Tom & Tanya

Music News

Hello everyone.

This term has gotten quite crazy as we close out the year in the music classroom.
We have been having such fun returning back and being able to put together the “Chelsea Carols Picnic” to finish the term!

This performance will hopefully be reminiscent of earlier years where families and friends can come onsite to Chelsea to watch their children sing, dance, and enjoy the company of so many we have missed seeing in person. Be sure to keep an ear and eye out for when and if we do announce this.

This annual celebration will consist of each grade performing their own unique carol, and the performances will be hosted by our amazing Performing Arts leader Jacob Burrows. Alongside each grades’ carols, we will also be wowed by the debut performances of the school band ‘Chelsea Talents’, alongside our choir ‘Chelsea C Majors’ and the Grade 6s dancing to their STOMP routine!

It is going to be a full-on event that would be a crime to miss out on, whether this will be online via Google Meet or onsite as the picnic, we are locking in the date 8th of December. Make sure you are looking at both Compass and Dojo for updates and announcements.

Thanks everyone for such a colourful year and stay funky!

Lachlan Rundell

Community Information



COVID vaccine eligibility

Dear parents/guardians and carers,

As part of the COVID-19 vaccination roll-out, all Victorian school students aged 16 years and above are now eligible to receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

The Victorian Government aims to vaccinate all final year students by the time they sit their end-of-year exams. Final year students are therefore urged to immediately make an appointment to receive a vaccine by following the instructions under the heading ‘How to book an appointment’ below.
The state vaccination centres have recently had their capacity increased to support Victoria’s drive to administer 1 million doses of the vaccine by 19 September.

We have written to your child to provide them with information about their eligibility for getting a vaccination. Students will be supported in every way possible to be vaccinated before the examinations begin.

Students completing their final year are particularly asked to book an appointment as soon as possible to support the safe conduct of examinations. As their parent/guardian, I encourage you to help them to book and if needed, support them to attend their appointment.

Final year students are asked to consider getting their first vaccine before the GAT on 5 October. In addition, it’s recommended not to get the vaccine on the day of an exam, or the day before an exam - to avoid feeling common but mild side effects such as tiredness, headache, muscle pain, fever and chills and/or joint pain during your exam.


Students can book their own appointment and consent to vaccination themselves if the health professional assesses them to be a mature minor.

How to book an appointment

To book an appointment, visit coronavirus.vic.gov.au  or contact the Coronavirus hotline by phoning 1800 675 398.
To find a vaccination centre and opening times, visit  coronavirus.vic.gov.au.
From 30 August, people aged 16-39 can get their COVID-19 vaccine at a doctor’s clinic, pharmacy or community health service through the Australian Government Eligibility Checker. You can book your appointment online or by calling the vaccine provider nearest to you.

More information

Translated advice about the vaccines is available on the coronavirus.vic.gov.au.
For more information about eligibility, visit coronavirus.vic.gov.au or use the Australian Government’s COVID-19 vaccine eligibility checker.
For further assistance, contact:
  • the Department of Health Coronavirus hotline: 1800 675 398
  • the National coronavirus and COVID-19 vaccine helpline: 1800 020 080
Please get in touch with me if you wish to discuss this.

Taylor Irish
Chelsea Primary School

School holidays with Entertainment Membership

? The Ultimate School Holiday Offer is Here ?

Looking for ways to keep the kids entertained this school holiday while saving money? An Entertainment Membership is the perfect solution whilst supporting our fundraiser! Purchase a Membership today and you’ll receive:

A bonus Activ Visa eGift Card  – Yours instantly with any membership purchase!
? Up to 50% off dining, shopping, travel, and more for 12 months!
? 20% donated directly to our fundraiser

Hurry, this offer is only available until 11.59am Monday, 30th September!

Order Here - https://subscribe.entertainment.com.au/fundraiser/1821w69

How do Entertainment Memberships work?

Memberships give you thousands of 2-for-1 and up to 50% off offers from many of the most popular restaurants, attractions, activities, shopping, accommodation in your area and more. There are three kinds of Entertainment Memberships that you can buy: Single City, Multi City (for the whole of Australia, New Zealand and Bali), or a 2-year Multi City Membership.

How much money have I saved?

View your value saved on dining and activity offers in ‘My Profile’ tab under ‘Stats' in the ‘Value Unlocked’ box. 

How do I find offers in a specific location/ suburb?

Click on the ‘Choose suburb’ button at the top of the ‘Home’ screen. Select ‘Current location’ to find nearby offers or type in your desired location using the search bar.