ENews 24th June 2022


Principal and Assistant Principals Report


The Victorian Government has announced new Child Safe Standards to further strengthen child safety across organisations, including schools. The new standards recognise the critical importance of families and the broader school community in maintaining and promoting child safety and wellbeing. 

Our school has reviewed and updated our child safety policies and procedures to ensure they meet the requirements of the new standards. These will be available to view on our school’s website Policies. The following policies and procedures are either new or have been updated:

  • Bullying Prevention Policy 
  • Child Safety Code of Conduct 
  • Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedure
  • Child Safe Standards Risk Register 
  • Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy 
  • Child Wellbeing and Engagement Policy
  • Complaints Policy
  • Digital Learning Policy 
  • Inclusion and Diversity Policy
  • Visitors Policy
  • Volunteers Policy
  • Yard Duty and Supervision Policy  

We are committed to continuous improvement in our approach to child safety and wellbeing and welcome feedback from families and members of our school community on ways we can further strengthen our child safety policies, procedures and practices.

Our Year 3-4 swimming program wrapped up yesterday. Over the 8 day program, students developed their water confidence, safety and stroke and kicking techniques…..and had lots of fun!

Thank you to Miss McDonald for your great organisation.

Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge    

The VPRC is open to all Victorian children from birth to Year 10 in recognition of the importance of reading for literacy development. It is not a competition; but a personal challenge for children to read a set number of books by 2 September 2022. Last year was a super year and we plan to get many more students completing the challenge. Can we get to 100%?

Children from Prep to Year 2 are encouraged to read or ‘experience’ 30 books with their parents and teachers. Children from Year 3 to Year 10 are challenged to read fifteen books.

All children who meet the Challenge will receive a certificate of achievement signed by the Victorian Premier and can choose to have their name included on the online Honour Roll.

Students have been given a unique log in from their teachers.

To read the Premier’s letter to parents, view the booklists and for more information about the Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge, visit: https://www.vic.gov.au/premiers-reading-challenge

We are always very proud of our students and how smart they look in their Chelsea Primary School uniform. Our uniform encourages pride in students’ appearance and recognition of themselves as an integral part of our school community. Whilst we appreciate the weather is getting very cold (lots of beanies) we still expect students to wear approved Chelsea Primary uniform. Thank you to our families who have their children in full school uniform.

Just a reminder that fashion accessories such as bright hairclips and bows, dyed hair, leggings and non-uniform windcheaters and tracksuit pants are not part of our agreed guidelines.

Our lost property is also overflowing.  Named clothing will be returned so PLEASE ensure all clothing items are labelled.

Reports will be made available Friday afternoon via Compass. If you have any queries about reports, please contact the office or your child’s class teacher via Dojo.

Parent teacher interviews will be held during  the first week back. Please book a convenient time to meet with your child’s teacher online.

Do you have a child starting Prep in 2023?  Please contact the office to arrange an enrolment form to secure your child’s enrolment at our school or alternatively, you can download it from our website.
Also, if you have any friends or neighbours who have a child that will be 5 years old before the end of April 2023, their child is eligible to be enrolled at next year at CPS.

If you would like to discuss enrolling your child with the administration staff or principal, Mr. Taylor Irish, please call the school on 9773 2055. Group and personal tours are available by booking on line or by calling the office.

Our beautiful Mrs Park will be leaving us at the end of term to have her second child. We wish Sarah and her family lots of love and best wishes and look forward to a visit with ‘bubba Park.’


Well….what a term!

Can you believe we have been at school for a full Semester! And WOW, what a busy two terms it has been. It is wonderful walking around the school grounds and classrooms being greeted with a warm welcome and seeing amazing learning taking place.

Enjoy a safe and happy holiday with family and friends. Read a book, visit the gorgeous Chelsea Beach, ride a bike, bake a cake and make sure you have lots of fun.

Cannot wait to see what exciting things Term three holds for us!

See you just before 8.50 am on Monday 11th July.

Calendar of Events

24th June
Student report released on Compass
End of Term- early dismissasl 2.30pm 

11th July

Term 3 resumes at 8.55am

27th July

100 Days of Prep

29th July
Junior School Moonlight Sanctuary Excursion

5th August
Curriculum Day - no school for students

10th August 
Prep Information Night - 5pm-6pm
Booking via our school website under the Enrolment tab
School Tour / Event Register Form (chelseaps.vic.edu.au)

Foundation News

What’s Been Happening?    

We are half way through the school year already. This time has flown! We are so proud of the preps and all they have achieved during their first semester at school.

In mathematics we have been having a lot of fun in the classroom working on addition and subtraction. The students have used a range of manipulatives to work through these concepts. Furthermore, we have had a lot of fun in phonics, working through our diagraphs. The students have done an absolutely amazing job with writing and reading words with our new diagraphs.

In reading and writing we have been focussing on learning how to expand our sentences with who, what, when and where. Additionally, we have been learning all about nouns, verbs and adjectives and embedding that into our writing. The progress the students have made in their writing this semester is absolutely incredible.

We also had Korean day. What a wonderful day it was for the students. Their focus, confidence and determination in Tae Kwon Do was amazing. It was so wonderful to immerse the student in another culture for the day.

What’s coming up?    

Parent teacher interviews will be on Monday the 11th of July and Tuesday the 12th of July. Please book in via compass.

100 days of Prep celebration: 27th of July! Theme dress like you are 100 years old!

We hope you all have a safe holiday break.

The Prep Team
Miss I, Mr Pepi and Miss Gallo

Junior School News

Wow what a wonderful Term it has been- we cannot believe we are already at the end of semester 1! It’s been a jam-packed term filled with learning, incursions, various activities and special events. We recently celebrated Korean Day where we were able to dress up in traditional Han Bok, learn Korean dances as well as practice our Tae Kwon Do skills. It was a fantastic day- especially when we were able to call our sister schools in Korea and watch their amazing dance and Tae Kwon Do performances.

Recently in Literacy the 1/2s have been exploring a range of texts which we analyse across the course of a week. We have linked many of our books with our history unit and last week we looked at the book ‘Click go the Shears’. We watched some interesting videos of olden day shearing and discussed how life differed from 100 years ago to now. In our writing we have been focusing on Information Reports- reading non-fiction texts and using the different facts we have learnt to create our writing pieces.

In numeracy the Year 1’s have been focusing on using different addition and subtraction strategies to solve equations, as well as exploring data and graphing and measurement and shape. In Year 2 we have been looking at creating division sentences using arrays as well as looking at time and Australian coins.

It has been a fantastic semester and we cannot wait to see what next term brings.

Important dates for Term 3:

  • Parent Teacher Interviews: 11th and 12th July (please book via Compass)
  • Year ½ excursion to Moonlit Sanctuary 29th July
  • Father’s Day Breakfast 2nd September

We hope you all have a wonderful break and we look forward to seeing you back for Term 3!

Middle School News

For what is the shortest term of the year, it has definitely felt long.  Term 2 has been full of exciting and enriched learning, and finished off with our middle school swimming program.  It’s little wonder the students are exhausted, however we couldn’t be more proud of their achievements.

Literacy learning this term has mostly centred around our narrative writing which prepared students for their writing assessments.  We have since moved on to persuasive writing to see how well students can convince others of their point of view.  Mentor texts have again been utilised weekly to link all of our literacy learning to.  Next term, we are moving on to using a class novel for our literacy studies, which is a little exciting as it will allow students to make further connections with the text!

As with literacy, numeracy has had students complete many assessments throughout the term to help us guide our teaching.  Students have demonstrated consistently outstanding resilience as they have been completing all set tasks.  We have covered multiplication and division extensively this term, including both mental and written strategies.  Telling time has been integrated into our curriculum to allow students to apply their maths learning daily.

Our integrated topic has focused on Australia’s First People and has wrapped up in our final week of term.  Students have been learning about Australia’s history, the habits and cultures of the indigenous population, and the early European explorers who first set foot on this great country.  This tied in perfectly with National Reconciliation Week which saw us raise money for “Children’s Ground” on Wear It Yellow day.

What a term!  It has been lovely to see our middle school students continually displaying our Chelsea Primary School values both in class and out in the yard.  You are all absolute superstars.  We hope you have a well-deserved and enjoyable break over the holidays.

Stay safe and healthy, and we’ll see you at the beginning of term 3.

Middle School Team

Senior School News

Korean Day, Lightening Premiership, World Music Day, Holes screening with Pizzas, Buddy Class events, Monash Pre-Service Teacher visits – AND THIS IS JUST THE LAST FORTNIGHT IN GRADES 5 & 6!

Korean Day - was a fantastic celebration of culture and partnership. Whilst we have left it to Mrs Park to write about the day in this newsletter, we wanted to say well done to our Korean Leader, Isabelle Lee for her outstanding job as Host for the day and to our school leaders, Liam, Eve, Alex and Louella for hosting our special Korean Day assembly. Last, but not least, we wanted to share our adoration for Mrs Park. Senior Students LOVE Korean classes mostly because of you and your passion. We wish you every success for a safe and happy birth of your baby and are already counting down the days for your return.

Winter Lightening Premiership – Thank you to our teachers who were also referees, umpires, game scorers and Chief Motivational Officers on the day. The biggest thank you, however, must go to Miss McDonald for her tireless efforts in making sure sports and physical education is in an abundance for our senior students. We appreciate you!

 World Music Day What a wonderful day and great excuse for a dress up! Shout out to all those who dressed to impress, and to Mr Rundell and the Student Voice Team for a great day.  

6E adored our visiting pre-service teacher, Farah from Monash University - Farah was with us for a fortnight and in that time she formed such strong bonds with many year 5 & 6 students. There were lots of tears on her final day but we know she’ll be back for a visit soon.

Buddy Class events - This month, 5W have danced the day away with FG & FI during a combined class Disco! 6L and 6E shared a Disney movie and popcorn with their grade 2 buddy classes and 5P shared a games afternoon with FP.

Holes In each class this term, students have been immersed in our class novel, Holes, and feedback suggests IT WAS A HIT!! However, nothing could compete with the end of term screening of Holes which we all loved watching with a pizza lunch. What a wonderful way to end a very busy term which has also included an ‘I Sea I Care’ excursion, Homework Presentations lots of assessments for reports and school review observations & interviews.

Here’s to students and staff alike enjoying rest, relaxation and a recharge these holidays!

Korean News

We had an amazing Korean day on Thursday.

Our chelsea Taekwondo club demonstrated outstanding Taekwondo performance including board breaking!

Students enjoyed wearing beautiful hanbok, learning Korean traditional dances, cooking dalgona, learning taekwondo and drawing Korean traditional art using brush pen.

6 of Our Korean sister schools joined on live and celebrated our Korean Day together. They played Korean traditional music using Korean drums and Korean violins. They also taught us Korean traditional game called Jegichagi. Mr irish enjoyed playing games with Korean students!

Students also loved having Korean Jewel candy at the end of the day🍭

Thank you everyone for coming to our special assembly and supporting our Korean Day💗


Shout Out

To the Little Coffee Place for the awesome catering they provided for the OG course last week. They were so accommodating with everything, mixed up the menu each day and provided hot food at short notice.  You guys ROCK!

Kingston City Council

Volunteer Information Session

Thinking about volunteering but don't know where to start? Join this volunteer information session. 

  • Learn about the benefits of volunteering 
  • Understand the definition of volunteering
  • Find out how to look for local opportunities
  •  Know your rights and responsibilities as a volunteer      
  • Network opportunities with community groups
When:             Tuesday 28 June 2022
Time:               5:45pm-7:15pm 
Where:            Cheltenham Library
                        12/18 Stanley Ave, Cheltenham
 Light dinner will be provided. Bookings are essential. 

For more information and to book, contact Pauline Clarke, Acting Volunteer Development Coordinator on 0407 646 627 or Jane Yang on 0428 673 387.

Follow the link for a full range of fun activities being held across the school holiday starting on Monday 20th June.
Kids' Activities (kingston.vic.gov.au)

Community News

School holidays with Entertainment Membership

? The Ultimate School Holiday Offer is Here ?

Looking for ways to keep the kids entertained this school holiday while saving money? An Entertainment Membership is the perfect solution whilst supporting our fundraiser! Purchase a Membership today and you’ll receive:

A bonus Activ Visa eGift Card  – Yours instantly with any membership purchase!
? Up to 50% off dining, shopping, travel, and more for 12 months!
? 20% donated directly to our fundraiser

Hurry, this offer is only available until 11.59am Monday, 30th September!

Order Here - https://subscribe.entertainment.com.au/fundraiser/1821w69

How do Entertainment Memberships work?

Memberships give you thousands of 2-for-1 and up to 50% off offers from many of the most popular restaurants, attractions, activities, shopping, accommodation in your area and more. There are three kinds of Entertainment Memberships that you can buy: Single City, Multi City (for the whole of Australia, New Zealand and Bali), or a 2-year Multi City Membership.

How much money have I saved?

View your value saved on dining and activity offers in ‘My Profile’ tab under ‘Stats' in the ‘Value Unlocked’ box. 

How do I find offers in a specific location/ suburb?

Click on the ‘Choose suburb’ button at the top of the ‘Home’ screen. Select ‘Current location’ to find nearby offers or type in your desired location using the search bar.