ENews 16th September 2022


Principal and Assistant Principals Report


Once again, our generous Chelsea Primary community has supported Homeless Week, through donations of food and toiletries to support locals in need. Yesterday students met with Pastor Judy from the Church of Christ in Blantyre Avenue to present our school’s donations.

These actions – large and small –make a real difference. Thank you for your generosity.



Just a reminder, that it’s hat time again. As outlined in our Sun Smart policy, students when they return are expected to wear their hats (school approved) during play and lunch time and outdoor sporting activities. Students not wearing hats will be asked to play under the gazebo or shaded junior playground.

We appreciate all our families supporting our Sun Smart protocols at Chelsea Primary.

supporting our Sun Smart protocols at Chelsea Primary.

As parents, teachers and students, building resilience is quite often one of the most difficult of our values to work through. Throughout the term the focus on building resilience will be a focus on class wellbeing lessons and our Peer Mediator support.


What an amazing and timely our RUOK day was last Thursday. This fabulous event gave us all the opportunity to check in with family and friends and participate in a range of mindfulness, wellbeing, physical and creative experiences.

It was wonderful to see students and their families involved and having so much fun whilst gaining expert advice and inspiration to improve personal and family wellbeing.

Thank you to Miss Ebbott and Miss Lawrence and team for your incredible organisation and to contributors- Starting off with an assembly message from Tim Richardson, followed by interactive student led activities throughout the day! Just amazing!

This week we farewell Vicki Middleton who is taking leave. Vicki has bought so much joy to her class lessons and art this year. Her imaginative and creative arts program has provided some beautiful displays around the school.

On behalf of the Chelsea Primary School Community, we wish Vicki the very best in this new chapter, and thank her for her dedication, passion and inspiration!

As term 3 ends, we again extend our thanks to our parents and carers for your support this term. 

Thank you also to all our staff for their energy and enthusiasm in yet another wonderful term of learning.

We hope you enjoy the well-deserved change of pace during the school holiday period. Take advantage of beautiful spring weather, take a break from screens and enjoy the wonderful things close to home.

Can’t wait to see what exciting things Term four holds for us!

See you just before 8.50 am on Monday 3rd October.







Calendar of Events

Monday 3rd October - Friday 14th October

Friday 7th October
Division Athletics

Wednesday 12th October
Grade 4 and Grade 6 Tennis Clinics

Thursday 13th October
Grade 5 Tennis Clinics

Saturday 15th October

Wednesday 19th October
Grade 4 and Grade 6 Tennis Clinics

Thursday 20th October
Grade 5 Tennis Clinics

Monday 24th October - Wednesday 26th October
5/6 Camp

Wednesday 26th October
Grade 4 Tennis Clinic

Foundation News

This term had flown and we cannot believe that our preppies have completed three terms now!
We are so proud of the preps and all they have achieved this year.

In mathematics we have been having a lot of fun in the classroom developing our knowledge of place value, money and capacity. The students have used a range of manipulatives to work through these concepts. Furthermore, we have had a lot of fun in phonics. The students have been learning how to read and write floss words and words with a magic e. The students have done an absolutely amazing job with this concept.

In reading and writing we have been focussing on developing our reading fluency and understanding how punctuation works. Additionally, we have been learning all about statements and questions and embedding the word because in our sentences. The progress the students have made in their writing this semester is absolutely incredible.

We were lucky to have the grade 6 students teach us about R U Okay day. The students learnt all about what makes a good friend and how they can support each other.  

Lastly, we just wanted to say a huge thank you to all the parents that helped with production, it was a great effort by all! The student blew us away with their amazing performances!

We hope you all have a safe and restful holiday break.

The Prep Team
Miss I, Mr Pepi and Miss Gallo

Junior School News

Wow, what a wonderful Term 3 we have had! Over the last few weeks of Term 3, we have enjoyed some fun-filled events such as Book Week, RUOK Day, the CPS Disco and Production Rehearsals.

On Friday the 26th of August, students dressed up as their favourite book character or author for our Book Week Parade. There were lots of amazing costumes and it was so lovely to see all students share their love for reading.

RUOK Day was on Thursday the 8th of September. After a very special assembly with guest speaker Tim Richards, students partook in RUOK Day activities run by the Year 6’s. The junior school reflected on how they are a good friend, and what they look for in a good friend. We talked about how these qualities help us check in on ourselves and others!

Lots of the students enjoyed a boogie at the CPS disco. This was a great way for students to interact with their friends across classes, whilst having lots of fun! 

And then there’s the main event for term 3… PRODUCTION! Students have enjoyed the many fun-filled production festivities, such as rehearsals, the photoshoot, tech run, and of course the production itself! The junior school team cannot thank families enough for all of their support, donations, production design, and assistance in getting classes ‘production ready’.

Well done Juniors! We will see you next term!

Middle School News

The last 2 weeks of Term 3 have sure been busy!  Students have been able to celebrate their love of literacy in the Premiers Reading Challenge which has now come to an end, with many students completing the challenge – what a fantastic effort!  In the numeracy realm, students were able to participate in the Matific Olympiad, again with many students completing a large number of tasks in the fun online mathematics learning experience.

In literacy, students have been learning about information reports for many weeks now.  During this time, of particular interest to many students were the information reports and associated PowerPoint presentations they created and displayed to their classes.  Through presenting their work, students also developed their public speaking ability, and a massive congratulations goes out to all students for being incredibly brave to push through the nerves which can come with speaking in front of a crowd!

The last few weeks has seen students challenged in numeracy with the visual concepts of lines, angles and shapes.  Parallel and perpendicular lines, varying types of angles, and the properties of many 2D and 3D shapes are some topics students have been learning about.  Students loved creating 3D object models from 2D shape nets, and discovering links between maths and art in the form of tessellation and symmetry.

Another subject to elicit student’s curiosity was our integrated topic of biological science.  Several experiments were conducted in class to compliment the learning material - investigating how wind effects the propagation of seeds, and how natural features, such as leaves and rocks, can help filter water in rivers and streams.

RUOK day was celebrated last week as a way of raising awareness to the power of connecting with others.  The day saw students participating in several activities to help them understand the importance of good friendships and listening to others.  The plan was to have a school-wide picnic on the turf, but due to the weather we were confined to our classrooms for our own mini-picnics.

And to top off such a busy term, students have also been learning their production dance routines.  They are so well versed in their dances they are going to do so well in the actual production performances!  This term has been such so much fun that it honestly didn’t feel like 10 weeks!  You know what they say, time flies when you’re having fun.

Hope you all have a fantastic break over the holidays.  Take care, stay safe, and be healthy.

Middle School Team

Senior School News

Term 3 for grade 6 ended with a bang! Production and The Scientwits Incursion! 


Students have made an amazing start to STEM this term, I have been so impressed with their enthusiasm, creativity and eagerness to learn.

STEM Challenges

The preps, grade 1s and grade 2s started the term with the challenge of building the tallest free-standing tower using limited resources. They then designed and built a paper plate marble maze where children’s spatial awareness was challenged as they tested and trialled their designs.


The grade 3 to 6 students started the term testing their creativity and problem-solving skills with the challenge of making the longest continuous length of paper using only one sheet of A4 paper, with one student achieving an incredible 20.1 metres! Students then learnt about forces, using this knowledge to build and test a paper plane designed for distance travel.

Moving into our Biology unit, the preps to grade 2s differentiated between living and non-living things and determined what living things needed to stay alive. Using this knowledge, they have been building a small-scale version of their pet’s (or dream pet’s) happy place, firstly ensuring their survival needs are met and then adding elements to make them happy. I have been so impressed with their creativity, I have seen some amazing pet toys, beds and even a tree!

The grade 3s to 6s explored food chains and the energy period, with the grade 3s and 4s finishing the term focusing on an ocean food chain. The importance of each part of the chain, the impact of disruptions to the chain, the role sharks play as apex predators and unsustainable fishing practices were discussed.

National Science Week:

The theme for National Science Week this year was glass. The junior students learnt how glass and specifically marbles were made, while the senior students made edible glass, where we discussed similarities to making real glass and the formation of a transparent brittle solid. We also discussed the sustainability of our current global usage of sand.

Spring Festival

Major Sponsor News - Ray White Chelsa

City of Kingston news - New Date

Kingston City Council - Holiday Program

Community News

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